Author: Forgiven Blade Coaching
The One for All game mode in League of Legends brings a unique twist to the classic gameplay. Đllowing teams to unite under the banner of a single champion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into a diverse selection of champions that excel in the chaos of One for All battles. From resilient tanks to devastating marksmen, these champions offer a wide range of playstyles to suit any team composition.
The Best Champions for One For All:
1. Malphite: Malphite’s durability and crowd control abilities make him a cornerstone pick in One for All matches. With his passive shield and disruptive ultimate, Malphite can initiate team fights and withstand incoming damage with ease. His ability to soak up damage while setting up his team for success makes him awesome in any lineup.
8. Darius: Darius’s sheer strength and dueling capabilities make him a terrifying target for confrontations. With his powerful axe swings and execution ultimate, Darius can cleave through multiple enemies. His passive, Hemorrhage, applies stacks of bleeding to his targets, increasing his damage output and ensuring that no one can escape his grasp.
Yone is one of the most controversial champions lately in League of Legends. From insane 1 shot outplays to fascinating escapes with his E he has been talked about quite a bit. If you have been one of those players asking yourself ”HOW DID HE EVEN DO THAT” ”THERE IS NO COUNTER TO YONE” , fear not.
In this guide we will give you the ins and outs of what you need to know about how to play against Yone and what counters Yone as well. From laning phase tips, to teamfights and what champions counter Yone.
2. Laning Phase / Mid Game / Teamfights Tips
- Understand his abilities: Yone’s kit revolves around using his spirit form and his physical body. He can quickly dash around the battlefield, deal burst damage, and also has a strong shield.
- Respect his all-ins: Yone excels in extended fights due to his ability to deal sustained damage while also being mobile. Avoid extended trades with him, especially when his Q (Steel Tempest) is stacked, as it significantly increases his damage output.
- Watch out for his E (Soul Unbound): When Yone casts his E, he leaves his body behind and becomes untargetable. During this time, he can cover a lot of distance. Try to anticipate his return point and be prepared to dodge his attacks.
- Use crowd control (CC) effectively: Yone is vulnerable when his mobility abilities are on cooldown. Coordinating with your team to lock him down with CC can be crucial in taking him out before he deals significant damage.
- Build defensively: Items like Zhonya’s Hourglass, Randuin Omen’s, or items that offer both defensive stats and damage can help you survive his burst and turn the fight in your favor.
- Keep track of his cooldowns: Yone’s abilities have moderate cooldowns early in the game. Punish him when his abilities, especially his E, are on cooldown as it limits his mobility and escape options.
- Play champions with high mobility or range: Champions with high mobility or long-range abilities can keep their distance from Yone and poke him down without engaging in prolonged fights where he excels.
- Jungle assistance: If you’re having trouble in the lane against Yone, ask for help from your jungler. Yone is susceptible to ganks, especially when his escape abilities are on cooldown.
2. Laning Phase / Mid Game / Teamfights Tips
Laning Phase:
- Harass Early: Yone can be vulnerable before he gets his abilities leveled up. Capitalize on his weaker early game by poking and harassing when possible.
- Watch his E (Soul Unbound): Yone can use this ability to engage or disengage. Keep an eye on his position because he can quickly dash back to his body, and you can punish him while it’s on cooldown.
- Avoid predictable movements: Yone’s Q (Mortal Steel) allows him to dash through targets. Try not to stand directly behind low-health minions to avoid getting hit by both his poke and wave clear.
Mid-Late Game:
- Build Defensive Items: Items like Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel can help you survive Yone’s burst and give your team time to react.
- Peel and Crowd Control: Yone becomes more dangerous in team fights. Utilize crowd control abilities to disrupt his engages or to lock him down before he can deal significant damage.
- Focus on Positioning: Stay mindful of Yone’s potential flanking opportunities. Keep track of him on the minimap and maintain good positioning during team fights to minimize his impact.
Team Strategy:
- Coordinate with your team: Communicate with your team to focus him down when he engages or to protect your backline against his dives.
- Objective Control: Take advantage of opportunities when Yone is out of position or when his team is weak to secure objectives like Dragon, Baron, or turrets.
There are quite a few champions that counter Yone and here is a full list of them but let’s mention some of them for each lane:
Top Lane:
- Malphite: His passive shield helps against Yone’s burst, and his ability to stack armor while still dealing damage can make it difficult for Yone to trade effectively.
- Poppy: Her W ability can deny Yone’s engages by blocking his dashes, and her tankiness allows her to survive his burst while trading back damage.
- Shen: Shen’s tankiness and sustain, combined with his ability to mitigate burst damage with his W, make it hard for Yone to secure kills in lane.
- Renekton: With strong early game dominance, Renekton can bully Yone in the early levels, potentially gaining a lead before Yone scales.
- Quinn: Her ability to poke and kite can make it hard for Yone to engage effectively, and she can punish him in the laning phase.
Mid Lane:
- Annie: Her stun and burst damage can punish Yone, especially early in the game when he’s vulnerable.
- Malzahar: His passive shield can absorb some of Yone’s burst, and his ultimate can lock Yone down, disrupting his engages.
- Fizz: His mobility and ability to dodge Yone’s abilities with Playful/Trickster can make trading favorable for Fizz.
- Zed: Zed’s mobility allows him to dodge Yone’s abilities, and he can outplay Yone in trades with well-timed shadows and burst.
- Vayne: Her mobility with Tumble and Silver Bolts’ % health true damage make it hard for Yone to burst her down. She can kite and duel effectively against him.
- Ezreal: With his long-range poke and Arcane Shift for mobility, Ezreal can farm safely and avoid direct engages from Yone.
- Tristana: Her long-range and reset mechanic on Rocket Jump allow her to escape Yone’s engages. Tristana’s burst potential can also surprise Yone in trades.
- Caitlyn: Her range advantage allows her to harass Yone from a distance, making it difficult for him to engage. Traps can provide zoning and control.
- Jhin: His long-range abilities and fourth shot burst can punish Yone during engages. Jhin’s crowd control from Deadly Flourish and Captive Audience can also help control Yone’s movements.
- Janna: Her disengage tools like Howling Gale and Monsoon can push Yone away from her ADC. Her shield also mitigates some of his burst damage.
- Lulu: Lulu’s Polymorph and Whimsy can disrupt Yone’s engages or prevent him from reaching priority targets. Her shields and ultimate provide additional survivability for allies.
- Nautilus: With his crowd control abilities, Nautilus can lock down Yone and prevent him from freely engaging onto the backline. His tankiness and ability to peel make it challenging for Yone to burst down priority targets.
- Alistar: Alistar’s crowd control and tankiness allow him to absorb Yone’s engages and peel for his ADC. His abilities, especially Pulverize and Headbutt, disrupt Yone’s combos.
- Morgana: Black Shield can negate Yone’s crowd control, protecting her ADC from his engages. Additionally, her Dark Binding can catch Yone out of position and set up kills.
In conclusion, countering Yone in League of Legends requires a strategic approach and an understanding of his abilities. In conclusion, mastering this matchup involves several key tactics.
Firstly, respecting Yone’s burst potential and avoiding extended trades is crucial. His abilities, especially when stacked, can deal significant damage, so engaging wisely is essential.
Additionally, keeping track of his cooldowns, especially his mobility skill (E – Soul Unbound), allows for seizing opportunities when he’s vulnerable. Coordinating crowd control effects with your team can also neutralize his mobility and damage potential.
Building defensively with items like Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel can help mitigate his burst, providing a window to turn the fight in your favor.
Lastly, playing champions with high mobility or long-range abilities can keep you out of Yone’s danger zone, allowing for safer poke and harassment without committing to unfavorable engagements.
Ultimately, countering Yone involves a combination of game knowledge, smart positioning, effective itemization, and teamwork. Practice, experience, and adapting your strategy will aid in mastering this challenging matchup in League of Legends.
Akali, the Rogue Assassin, is a formidable opponent on the Rift, that you love having on your team but absolutely dispize when she is in the enemy team. Her kit is designed for burst damage and swift escapes, making her a challenging champion. However, fear not!
With the right strategies and keen awareness, you will learn how to counter Akali so you can turn the tables to your favor. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to counter Akali and emerge victorious in your matches.
- Burst Damage: Akali excels at bursting down squishy targets with her combination of abilities, particularly once she acquires some items or levels.
- Mobility: Her kit offers exceptional mobility with multiple dashes, allowing her to swiftly engage, disengage, or reposition during skirmishes.
- Stealth and Elusiveness: Her shroud (W) grants her stealth, making her temporarily untargetable and providing both defensive cover and offensive potential by repositioning or re-engaging fights.
- High Outplay Potential: Skilled Akali players can outmaneuver opponents using her shroud, multiple dashes, and intricate combos, making her a challenging target to lock down or predict.
- Snowball Potential: If she gains an early advantage, Akali can snowball quickly, dominating the game and becoming a potent threat in split-pushing or team fights.
- Early Game Vulnerability: Akali’s early game is relatively weak compared to her late-game potential. Exploiting this phase can delay her power spikes and make her less impactful later on.
- Energy Reliance: Her abilities consume energy, and if she exhausts her energy pool, she becomes less threatening during engagements, creating windows of opportunity to strike back.
- Cooldown Reliance: Akali heavily relies on her ultimate and shroud for engages and escapes. Punishing her when these abilities are on cooldown can turn the tide in fights.
- Squishiness: Despite her burst potential, Akali is relatively squishy. Crowd control effects, burst damage, or sustained damage from opponents can take her down quickly if she’s caught off-guard.
- Vision Dependence: Akali’s shroud provides stealth, but control wards or abilities that reveal areas can disrupt her stealth, reducing her survivability and escape potential.
2.1 Early Game Advantage:
Akali’s power spikes come later in the game which makes her early game significantly weaker. Exploit this by asserting dominance in the early levels. Harass her, deny her farm, and delay her progression to stall her power spike.
2.2 Vision Warfare:
The key to thwarting Akali’s sneakiness lies in her W. Bait out her W so it goes on cooldown by going in to start a trade and once she has used W immediately disengage. Wait for W to expire and try to use that opportunity window to go in and fight. She will be in a massive disadvantage! Also use abilities that reveal areas to deny her the cover of her shroud (W). Without her shroud, she becomes more vulnerable to your attacks and much weaker.
2.3 Exploit Energy Management:
Keep an eye on Akali’s energy bar. Her abilities rely on energy, and if she spams them, she’ll run out quickly. Exploit this window of vulnerability when she lacks the resources to strike back effectively.
Q -> 110/100/90/80/70
2.4 Cooldown Awareness:
Akali’s shroud and ultimate have significant cooldowns early on. Engage or trade blows when these abilities are on cooldown, as it limits her ability to escape or burst you down.
2.5 Jungle Collaboration:
Coordinate with your jungler to capitalize on Akali’s tendency to overextend. Setting up ganks can punish her for pushing too far, especially since she lacks reliable escapes.
2.6 Adaptive Itemization:
Strategically build items that counter Akali’s strengths. Zhonya’s Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil, Oracle Lens or any other magic resist item that fits your champion can drastically mitigate her burst damage or reveal her when she’s invisible. SEE ALL MAGIC RESIST ITEMS HERE
2.7 Understanding Combos:
Familiarize yourself with Akali’s combos. Knowing when she’s likely to engage or disengage can help you anticipate her movements and react accordingly, reducing her impact in skirmishes.
2.8 TeamFight Tactics:
During team fights, stick with your team. Akali excels at isolating and picking off squishy targets. By staying grouped, you diminish her ability to capitalize on individual champions.
2.9 Adaptive Playstyle:
Tailor your playstyle based on your champion. If you’re a squishy champion, play cautiously and position yourself defensively to make it harder for Akali to engage on you. If you are a champion that can face Akali in a close range combat try to chase her down. Preferably avoid her E because it does quite some burst damage!
2.10 Consistent Pressure:
Don’t give Akali room to breathe. Apply constant pressure, whether through poking or keeping her occupied, to hinder her from roaming and making plays elsewhere on the map.
3.1 Ranged Champions:
3.2 Control Mages:
Champions with consistent ranged poke abilities excel against Akali. Mages like Viktor, Orianna, or Syndra can harass her from a distance, making it difficult for her to engage without taking significant damage.
Champions with crowd control abilities can disrupt Akali’s mobility and burst potential. Annie, Lissandra, or Ahri can lock her down, preventing her from executing her combos effectively.
3.3 Tanky Bruisers:
Strong, tanky champions with sustain can withstand Akali’s burst and outlast her in fights. Darius, Sett, or Garen can survive her initial burst and then retaliate with their own sustained damage.
3.4 High Mobility Champions:
Champions with high mobility can match Akali’s agility, making it harder for her to land her skill shots. Yasuo, Zed, or Fizz can dodge her abilities and turn the tide with their own swift maneuvers.
3.5 Revealing Abilities:
Champions with abilities that reveal or disrupt stealth are effective against Akali. Lee Sin, Lulu, or LeBlanc can reveal her in stealth, denying her the element of surprise.
3.6 Team Coordination:
Communicate and coordinate with your team to focus on shutting down Akali. Combine abilities and crowd control effects to keep her in check during team fights, diminishing her impact.
3.7 Early Game Pressure:
Exploit Akali’s weak early game by applying constant pressure. Deny her farm, harass her whenever possible, and delay her power spikes to keep her from snowballing.
3.8 Map Awareness and Vision:
Maintain vision control to limit Akali’s ability to roam and surprise your teammates. Control wards and regular stealth wards can reveal her on her way towards a roam denying her the chance to get kills.
Understanding the intricacies of Akali’s strengths and weaknesses unveils a path to navigate her elusive nature on the Rift. Her burst potential, mobility, and outplay capabilities demand respect, yet her vulnerabilities provide windows of opportunity for those prepared to counter her.
Mastering the art of facing Akali involves more than just exploiting her weaknesses; it requires adaptability, vision control, and precise coordination. Players must capitalize on her early-game vulnerability, manage her energy reliance, and disrupt her stealth advantage to neutralize her impact.
As champions clash and strategies evolve, the key to overcoming Akali lies not only in individual prowess but in team synergy. Coordinated efforts, vision denial, and strategic itemization form the foundation to counter her deadly prowess.
Remember, while Akali can weave through shadows with finesse, she is not invincible. Armed with knowledge and a well-honed strategy, facing off against this Rogue Assassin can become a triumph rather than a trial. Embrace the challenge, adapt your approach, and shine light into the shadows of her domain.
Playing against Yasuo can be frustrating and very annoying. Probably why you are here. You have been wondering what are the counters of yasuo, what can I do against Yasuo so I can finally win? Well, you are at the right place! Let’s first learn some things about Yasuo and then discuss how to counter Yasuo as well!
Yasuo’s kit revolves around his mobility, dealing critical strikes, and unleashing devastating combos with his abilities. His passive, Way of the Wanderer, gives him double critical strike chance from items but sacrifices some of his base critical strike damage. With low cooldowns and the ability to dash through enemy units, Yasuo can be a formidable opponent in the right hands.
1. Understanding Yasuo’s Strengths
2. Strategies for Facing Yasuo
3. Countering Yasuo
3.1 Mid Lane Counters
3.2 Top Lane Counters
3.3 Jungle Counters
3.4 ADC Counters
3.5 Support Counters
4. Strategies Countering Yasuo
5. Conclusion
1. Understanding Yasuo’s Strengths
Yasuo’s strengths lie in his agility, dueling potential, and ability to dish out massive damage through his kit synergies. Let’s delve deeper into what makes Yasuo a force to be reckoned with on the Rift.
Agility and Mobility
Yasuo’s mobility is unparalleled among many champions. His sweeping dashes with his E (Sweeping Blade) allow him to move swiftly through minion waves, champions, and jungle camps. What makes this ability terrifying is its potential to reset upon hitting enemy units, granting Yasuo incredible mobility in fights.
Precision and Critical Strikes
Yasuo’s critical strike mechanic defines his playstyle. His passive, Way of the Wanderer, grants him double critical strike chance from items. With this, Yasuo often builds items like Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer to maximize his critical strike damage. This mechanic turns each critical hit into a devastating blow, making him a late-game threat capable of eliminating squishy targets swiftly.
Ability Synergies and Combos
Yasuo’s kit thrives on chaining his abilities together. His Q (Steel Tempest) can be stacked to unleash tornadoes with devastating range and crowd control effects. When combined with his ultimate, Last Breath (R), Yasuo can suspend multiple enemies airborne, setting them up for follow-up damage from him and his team.
Wind Wall and Defensive Play
His W (Wind Wall) ability offers a unique defensive capability, capable of blocking enemy projectiles. This can completely negate crucial abilities from champions reliant on skill shots, effectively nullifying their impact in team fights.
High Skill Cap
However, it’s essential to note that mastering Yasuo isn’t an easy feat. Excelling with Yasuo requires precise timing, understanding of matchups, and quick decision-making. Successful Yasuo players are adept at weaving in auto-attacks between abilities, utilizing their mobility to evade enemy attacks while dealing consistent damage.
2. Strategies for Facing Yasuo
Apart from choosing specific champions, there are general strategies to employ when facing Yasuo:
- Poke and Farm Safely: Yasuo excels in close combat. Ranged champions should focus on poking him from a distance and avoid extended trades.
- Exploit Cooldowns: Many of Yasuo’s abilities have significant cooldowns early game. Exploit these windows of vulnerability to strike back.
- Coordinate Ganks: Yasuo is vulnerable to ganks due to his reliance on mobility. Coordinate with your jungler to capitalize on this weakness.
3. Countering Yasuo
Countering Yasuo involves understanding his strengths and exploiting his weaknesses. While he’s a powerful champion, several strategies and specific champion picks can effectively counter his abilities. Here is a decent counter list for Yasuo but let’s explore this further:
Champions That Counter Yasuo:
3.1 Mid Lane Counters:
1. Malzahar
Malzahar’s kit provides a strong advantage against Yasuo:
- Suppression Ultimate (Nether Grasp): This ability shuts down Yasuo’s mobility and renders him vulnerable to Malzahar’s damage output.
- Malefic Visions (E): Offers consistent damage and poke, making it challenging for Yasuo to engage without risking being harassed or pushed out of lane.
2. Annie
Annie’s straightforward yet powerful abilities can punish Yasuo’s aggressive tendencies:
- Point-and-Click Stun (Pyromania): This allows Annie to stun Yasuo easily, setting up for burst combos that can catch him off guard.
- Burst Damage: Annie’s Q (Disintegrate) and ultimate (Summon: Tibbers) can chunk Yasuo’s health, especially early game when he might lack defensive items.
3. Zed
Zed’s mobility and burst potential make him a strong pick against Yasuo:
- Shadow Manipulation: Zed’s shadows allow him to outmaneuver Yasuo and dodge tornadoes while poking him from a distance.
- Quick Combos: Zed’s ability to engage with a full combo and disengage quickly can pressure Yasuo and force him to play defensively.
4. Cho’Gath
Cho’Gath’s tankiness and disruptive abilities can make life difficult for Yasuo:
- Sustain and Tankiness: Cho’Gath’s passive (Carnivore) grants sustain, while his high health pool and potential to build tanky items allow him to withstand Yasuo’s burst.
- Silence (Feral Scream): Cho’Gath’s silence can interrupt Yasuo’s combos and prevent him from using abilities effectively.
5. Syndra
Syndra’s kit offers reliable ranged poke and crowd control against Yasuo:
- Long-range Poke (Dark Sphere): Syndra can harass Yasuo from a distance, making it hard for him to engage without taking significant damage.
- Stun (Scatter the Weak): Syndra’s stun can disrupt Yasuo’s mobility and set up combos for herself or her team.
6. Galio
Galio’s tankiness and crowd control abilities make him a viable pick against Yasuo:
- Anti-Mage Tank: Galio’s kit provides tankiness against Yasuo’s damage while having abilities that can disrupt his combos.
- Taunt (Hero’s Entrance and Justice Punch): Galio’s taunt can catch Yasuo off guard and turn the tables during trades or team fights.
3.2 Top Lane Counters:
1. Malphite
Malphite is a solid pick due to his tankiness and ability to disrupt Yasuo’s combos:
- Tankiness: Malphite’s passive shield (Granite Shield) and ability to build armor make him resilient against Yasuo’s damage.
- Disruptive Ultimate (Unstoppable Force): Malphite’s ultimate can interrupt Yasuo’s mobility and knock him up, disrupting his combos and setting up opportunities for retaliation.
2. Tryndamere
Tryndamere’s sustain and dueling potential make him a strong pick against Yasuo:
- Sustain: Tryndamere’s Q (Bloodlust) grants him sustain in lane, allowing him to endure trades against Yasuo.
- Ultimate (Undying Rage): Tryndamere’s ultimate can nullify Yasuo’s burst damage and turn the tides in extended trades.
3. Garen
Garen’s simplicity and tankiness make him a reliable pick to counter Yasuo:
- Tankiness and Sustain: Garen’s passive (Perseverance) grants him health regeneration, while his W (Courage) gives him defensive stats against Yasuo’s damage.
- Silence (Decisive Strike): Garen’s Q ability can silence Yasuo, preventing him from using abilities effectively.
4. Renekton
Renekton’s early game dominance and sustain allow him to trade effectively with Yasuo:
- Early Game Dominance: Renekton’s strong laning phase can pressure Yasuo early, denying him the opportunity to snowball.
- Stun and Sustain (Ruthless Predator and Cull the Meek): Renekton’s stun and sustain abilities help him in short trades against Yasuo.
5. Shen
Shen’s tankiness and global presence make him a strong pick against Yasuo:
- Tankiness and Sustain: Shen’s passive (Ki Barrier) provides a shield, while his Q (Twilight Assault) gives him sustain in trades.
- Global Ultimate (Stand United): Shen’s ultimate allows him to join fights across the map, countering Yasuo’s potential to split-push.
6. Ornn
Ornn’s tankiness and crowd control abilities can disrupt Yasuo’s engages:
- Tankiness and CC: Ornn’s innate tankiness and his crowd control abilities like his ultimate (Call of the Forge God) can disrupt Yasuo’s mobility and engages.
3.3 Jungle Counters:
1. Rammus
Rammus is a strong pick due to his crowd control and high armor:
- Crowd Control: Rammus’s kit offers multiple forms of crowd control, making it difficult for Yasuo to engage or escape.
- High Armor: Rammus’s high armor scaling synergizes well against Yasuo’s primarily physical damage output.
2. Warwick
Warwick’s sustain and crowd control abilities can make life difficult for Yasuo:
- Sustain: Warwick’s sustain from his passive and Q ability allows him to outlast Yasuo in trades.
- Crowd Control: Warwick’s ultimate (Infinite Duress) provides strong lockdown, disrupting Yasuo’s mobility.
3. Jax
Jax’s scaling and dueling potential can match Yasuo’s aggression:
- Scaling: Jax scales well into the late game, potentially matching Yasuo’s damage output.
- Counter-Strike (E): Jax’s Counter-Strike can block Yasuo’s auto-attacks and abilities, giving him an edge in trades.
4. Sejuani
Sejuani’s crowd control and tankiness make her a solid pick against Yasuo:
- Crowd Control: Sejuani’s kit offers strong crowd control, allowing her to disrupt Yasuo’s engages or team fights.
- Tankiness: Sejuani’s tankiness helps her sustain through fights against Yasuo and absorb his burst.
5. Graves
Graves’s burst damage and kiting potential can put pressure on Yasuo:
- Burst Damage: Graves’s burst potential allows him to quickly trade with Yasuo and threaten him during skirmishes.
- Kiting Potential: Graves’s ability to kite with his E (Quickdraw) makes it challenging for Yasuo to stick to him during fights.
6. Olaf
Olaf’s early game dominance and sustain can contest Yasuo effectively:
- Early Game Dominance: Olaf’s strong early game allows him to pressure Yasuo and potentially invade his jungle.
- Sustain and True Damage: Olaf’s sustain from his W (Vicious Strikes) and true damage from his E (Reckless Swing) can be effective against Yasuo.
3.4 ADC Counters:
1. Jhin
Jhin’s long-range capabilities and crowd control make him a strong pick against Yasuo:
- Long-range Poke: Jhin’s fourth shot and abilities allow him to poke Yasuo from a safe distance, making it hard for Yasuo to engage effectively.
- Crowd Control: Jhin’s W (Deadly Flourish) provides crowd control that can hinder Yasuo’s mobility.
2. Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune’s ability to control space and deal burst damage can be effective against Yasuo:
- AoE Damage: Miss Fortune’s Q (Double Up) and ultimate (Bullet Time) deal significant AoE damage, making it difficult for Yasuo to engage without taking considerable damage.
- Zone Control: Her E (Make It Rain) can slow Yasuo and control his movement in team fights.
3. Ashe
Ashe’s utility and ability to kite make her a solid pick against Yasuo:
- CC and Vision: Ashe’s ultimate (Enchanted Crystal Arrow) provides strong crowd control, allowing her team to follow up and lock down Yasuo.
- Kiting Potential: Ashe’s passive (Frost Shot) slows Yasuo, making it challenging for him to stick to her during fights.
4. Caitlyn
Caitlyn’s long-range abilities and traps give her an advantage against Yasuo:
- Long-range Poke: Caitlyn’s range allows her to harass Yasuo from a safe distance, making it challenging for him to engage effectively.
- Traps: Her W (Yordle Snap Trap) can provide vision and hinder Yasuo’s movements in the lane or during team fights.
5. Ezreal
Ezreal’s mobility and poke make it difficult for Yasuo to engage on him:
- Mobility: Ezreal’s E (Arcane Shift) allows him to reposition and kite Yasuo effectively, making it hard for Yasuo to land his abilities.
- Poke: Ezreal’s Q (Mystic Shot) allows him to poke Yasuo from a distance, avoiding direct engages.
6. Tristana
Tristana’s range scaling and ability to disengage make her a reasonable pick against Yasuo:
- Range Scaling: Tristana’s range increases as she levels up, allowing her to poke Yasuo safely as the game progresses.
- Disengage: Her ultimate (Buster Shot) provides a tool to push Yasuo away when he attempts to engage.
3.5 Support Counters:
1. Nautilus
Nautilus’s crowd control and tankiness make him a strong pick against Yasuo:
- Crowd Control: Nautilus’s kit offers multiple forms of crowd control, making it difficult for Yasuo to engage or escape.
- Tankiness: Nautilus’s high durability allows him to absorb Yasuo’s damage while providing peel for his ADC.
2. Alistar
Alistar’s crowd control and ability to disrupt enemy engages can mitigate Yasuo’s impact:
- Crowd Control: Alistar’s combo (Headbutt-Pulverize) provides a reliable form of crowd control to disrupt Yasuo’s engages.
- Peel: His ultimate (Unbreakable Will) grants him tankiness and allows him to peel for his ADC effectively.
3. Janna
Janna’s disengage and peel make it challenging for Yasuo to engage effectively:
- Disengage: Janna’s tornado (Howling Gale) and ultimate (Monsoon) offer strong disengage tools, pushing Yasuo and enemies away.
- Peel: Her abilities provide shields, heals, and knock-ups that can disrupt Yasuo’s attempts to engage on her ADC.
4. Leona
Leona’s crowd control and tankiness can make Yasuo’s engages risky:
- Crowd Control: Leona’s kit offers reliable stuns and lockdown, making it difficult for Yasuo to maneuver freely in fights.
- Tankiness: Her natural tankiness allows her to absorb damage and provide peel for her ADC.
5. Morgana
Morgana’s Black Shield and crowd control abilities can neutralize Yasuo’s engages:
- Black Shield: Morgana’s E (Black Shield) can nullify Yasuo’s crowd control, preventing him from setting up engages effectively.
- Roots and Stuns: Her Q (Dark Binding) and ultimate (Soul Shackles) offer forms of crowd control that can disrupt Yasuo’s engages.
6. Braum
Braum’s defensive capabilities and crowd control can hinder Yasuo’s engages:
- Defensive Abilities: Braum’s E (Unbreakable) can block Yasuo’s projectiles, reducing his damage output significantly.
- Peel and Crowd Control: His Q (Winter’s Bite) and ultimate (Glacial Fissure) provide peel and crowd control, making it challenging for Yasuo to engage.
4. Strategies Countering Yasuo
1. Range and Poke
Yasuo excels in close combat. Champions with ranged abilities or poke, like Lux or Orianna, can harass Yasuo from a distance and make it difficult for him to engage effectively.
2. Exploit Cooldowns
Yasuo’s abilities have noticeable cooldowns, especially early game. Punish him during these windows when his abilities are on cooldown to trade effectively.
3. Jungle Assistance
Coordinating with your jungler for ganks can pressure Yasuo early, as he is vulnerable to crowd control and being locked down before he can utilize his mobility.
4. Itemization
Investing in items that grant armor and health can reduce Yasuo’s burst potential. Ninja Tabi boots can also mitigate a portion of his auto-attack damage.
While Yasuo is a formidable champion with immense potential, he’s not invincible. Understanding his strengths and weaknesses, along with picking or employing appropriate strategies, can turn the tables against him. With the right tactics and champion selection, you can make the Unforgiven feel a bit less unstoppable on the Rift.
THE COMPLETE League of Legends Beginners Guide
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my League of Legends Beginners Guide.
As a beginner in LOL you probably feel lost. Asking questions like:
”How do I get better at the game?”
”Who do I play?”
”Have I made it too difficult for myself?”
”What champions are easy to play yet good experience for beginners? ”
”Which Runes do I take for X Champion?”
”How Do I Play Against A Particular Matchup?”
”Should I Use The Chat?”
”Why Canât I Improve?”
”What builds do I get for my champion?”
Today, we’ll answer all of those questions and more! Go over 15 tips not only for players just starting to get into the game, but also for players ranked between Iron and Gold, and even tentative Platinum.
Before we dive into the tips, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is ForgivenBlade. I’ve been playing League of Legends since season 3. By the end of season 11, I reached my peak of Grandmaster 653 LP, which you can see on the screen with a 58% win rate in under 400 games.
I exclusively played top lane as Yasuo and Yone. I was the second player worldwide to achieve something like that. Additionally, I’ve been coaching for and PRIVATELY for over a year, having great success with multiple students.
I have noticed a lot of people, including some of my students who are just getting started out with the game struggle. Feeling lost and unsure as to what to learn first. But here with this League of Legends Beginners Guide we will fix that!
At the end of the guide, I’ll have some examples for you all, so stick around.
1. Get familiar with the game and how it works
2. Learn about wave management
2.1 Fast Pushing
2.2 Slow Pushing
2.3 Freezing
3. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your champion
3.1 Guides
3.2 Assesing Guides
4. Learning how to trade
5. Mastering camera movement and mouse control
6. Making a game plan
7. Prioritize learning good habits
8. Chat usage
9. Start with simpler champions
10. Quality over quantity
11. Your optimal settings
12. Utilize the Practice Tool
13. Understanding the game
14. Enhance your minimap awareness
15. Understand and push your champion’s limits
1. Get familiar with the game and how it works.
That means spending some time to gain experience and become more comfortable with everything in the game – the champions, roles, different concepts like items, runes, etc.
There will be no other way to achieve that but only by playing the game. The more you play the game, the more comfortable you will become with time. Combine that with a guide like this one and you are on the path to victory!
2. Learn about wave management
When it comes to Wave Management, there are three vital concepts. I’ll include clips to showcase each one of them:
2.1 Fast pushing, slow pushing, and freezing. Fast pushing involves terms like ‘push,’ ‘shoving,’ or ‘crash.’ This is when you actively damage your opponent’s wave, causing your wave to push rapidly towards their side.
2.2 Slow pushing is when you create a wave advantage, causing your wave to slowly push towards your opponent’s side. You achieve this by either significantly damaging the wave and then slowing down the pace by last hitting minions or just keeping them very low in HP.
2.3 Freezing is when your opponent is either slow or fast pushing the wave towards you but leaves out just enough for about three to five minions outside the range of your tower. You ensure that your next wave arrives to maintain a three to five minion advantage over your opponent’s wave, keeping the waves meeting at the same spot repeatedly
3. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your champion
Learning the both strengths and weaknesses of your champion in League of Legends or LOL is KEY. Both when playing as them and against them. You might wonder, ‘How do I do that?’ Well, there are three ways to accomplish this:
3.1 Guides
You can explore written and video guides. For instance, written guides are available on Mobafire. Type ‘Mobafire‘ in your search bar along with the name of the champion you want to learn about. For example, if we take Jhin as a popular champion, we’ll look him up.
3.2 Assesing Guides
Start by looking at various guides and their ratings. Usually, those with the highest ratings are reliable. Aim for guides that offer a comprehensive view overall. Let’s consider ‘Taco’s Jhin Guide‘ in this instance
So, here we have a few sections to explore. We’ve got three rune pages available, and each one comes with specific notes for them. Similarly, we have summoner spells, with individual notes left for each spell that might be suitable for the champion. The same goes for items. You’ll find notes for different items, like these, and so on.
This helps in understanding which runes to select, which builds to aim for, and the viable items for the champion. There are core items to study, followed by situational ones. Understanding situational items means knowing when to build each particular item based on what it provides and what your team needs in a given game situation.
Moving on, there’s information on the order to upgrade your abilities. Scrolling down further, we reach the runes section, which usually has explanations for the majority of guides. You can find detailed explanations for each rune.
Continuing, let’s look at Summoners. For instance, Flash and Heal have explanations too. The abilities, labeled as Q, W, and E, come with visual representations for each level, guiding you on which ability to upgrade. There’s also a detailed description for each ability. For example, take Jhin’s Whisper (passive), Q, W, E, and R (ultimate) with detailed explanations. The same level of detail extends to studying items, outlining why to choose certain items over others.
As you scroll down, you’ll find additional tips tailored to that specific champion. These extra tips usually provide valuable insights.
As you delve further, you’ll encounter sections covering various game phases like the laning phase, mid-game, late-game strategies, positioning, dealing DPS, understanding target priority, and more. This wealth of information provides a comprehensive understanding of the champion you’re interested in picking up. Whether it’s for the champion you’re currently playing or for those you struggle against, these insights prove valuable.
When it comes to matchup sections, they’re typically positioned differently. Normally, matchup details would be presented here, but in this case, as Taco has organized, you’ll find it further down. You’d want to ensure that the matchup section contains substantial information and isn’t left empty when exploring guides.
How matchups are usually shown:
How Taco’s matchups are done:
Another tip when searching for guides on Mobafire is to add ‘wiki’ plus the name of the champion or click here. Clicking on the first link provides more detailed information about that particular champion, covering health, abilities, ranges, speeds, ratios, effects, and more. The Wiki for League of Legends contains a vast amount of information about champions, their abilities, and items. Similarly,
If you’re interested in specific item builds, you can search for those as well. For instance, typing ”Garen build” could lead you to a detailed guide. Like this one HERE
Finally, let’s touch on video guides. What I usually recommend to my students, and what I personally do, is to search for a champion’s name followed by ‘guide’ or ‘tips and tricks’ on platforms like YouTube. ‘Tips and tricks’ videos are usually the go-to choice. I often suggest channels like LolDobby for comprehensive guides on specific champions.
For instance, if you explore LolDobby’s channel and navigate to their playlists, you’ll find numerous videos available. Under ‘tips and tricks,’ there are about 94 videos focused on various aspects. Another channel worth mentioning is 3 Minute League of Legends. This channel stands out because it offers diverse content covering multiple champions across different roles.
What I appreciate about 3 Minute League of Legends is their concise breakdown of champions within short videos. They discuss the pros and cons, an essential aspect to consider when playing any champion. Understanding both helps you leverage the strengths and mitigate weaknesses. They also delve into abilities, mastery order, build order, laning strategies, and other necessary insights for each champion.
For example, clicking on a specific champion, like ‘Gnar,’ provides valuable insights specific to that champion’s gameplay.
4. Learning how to trade
Learning how to trade ties closely with the previous point about understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your champion and your opponent’s patterns. Recognizing these patterns will guide your exchanges during the game. This aspect also connects with creating a game plan, which I’ll cover in a forthcoming video. It will be a simple yet detailed guide, easily digestible for anyone interested. Here is a guide that will help you understand trading a bit more in-depth!
5. Mastering camera movement and mouse control
Mastering camera movement and mouse control is crucial. Knowing when to lock or unlock your camera is essential. Unlock your camera when there’s action elsewhere on the map that you need to monitor closelyâlike your jungler engaging in a fight or during a teamfight. If everything vital is in front of you, keeping the camera locked optimizes screen space.
As for mouse movement, consider adjusting your DPI settings to around 800 to 1000 DPI and an in-game sensitivity of 50 to 60. This enhances precision without any unnecessary movements.
A tip here is to click sparingly and deliberately on your target. Utilize auto-attack, move, auto-attack, move sequences to keep mobile, making it challenging for opponents to land skill shots on you. This strategy boosts your efficiency and overall damage output.
To optimize your efficiency, avoid clicking too far away from your character or targets. This minimizes unnecessary cursor travel, making your reactions more precise and swift.
Focus on accurate clicks rather than covering excessive distances, which can slow down your reactions. Quick, precise movements also make it harder for opponents to predict your actions and increase your Actions Per Minute (APM) in this fast-paced game.
6. Making a game plan
Making a game plan is essential. I have already released a video dedicated to this topic for the different stages of the game. Subscribing and hitting the notification bell will ensure you don’t miss any similar videos in the feature.
To briefly explain why making a gameplan in League of Legends is important. Think of it like navigating a forest. Without a clear direction, you’ll feel lost. But with a solid game plan, you have a specific direction to follow, simplifying your decision-making process and allowing you to focus on other aspects of the game. Once you start taking that specific ”route” within that ”route” you will meet obstacles. Adaptability is where it comes into play now. You will start facing unexpected things and being adaptable will help you get through those obstacles.
How do you learn to be adaptable? Going through a bunch of different scenarios, learning from their outcomes and what could’ve been done better. Then in the feature games to correct those mistakes and react in a much appropriate way!
7. Prioritize learning good habits
Prioritizing learning good habits before the bad ones. The reason why you want to avoid learning bad habits in League of Legends in simple. If you get to build a bad habit, it becomes much more difficult to unlearn it and learn a new, good one.
Making the whole process 3,4,5 times more hard than it is supposed to be.This simplifies the learning process and prevents unnecessary complications.
8. Chat Usage
Chat in League of Legends or LOL is often misused. It’s better to have it disabled for 95% of your games. Enable it only when necessary, such as conveying important information to teammates.
After typing, disable it to avoid distractions. If someone is spamming, mute or use the mute option. This allows you to concentrate on your gameplay rather than being distracted by uncontrollable teammate behaviour.
If you want to have chat on to try and improve communication with your teammates, sure have it on. But the moment you see someone is started to behave badly and they are not willing to stop after being asked to do so, mute them.
9. Start with simpler champions
Starting with simpler champions as beginners makes the whole process for you easier and actually improves your learning curve long-term. If you begin with more complex champions like Yasuo or Riven, you’ll need to focus heavily on mastering their mechanics. This might hinder your ability to grasp fundamental game concepts like wave management, trading, positioning, camera control, and paying attention to the minimap.
10. Quality over quantity
Quality over quantity matters in your games and in life of course. We all have heard that millions of times.
It’s better to play three high-quality games than six mediocre ones. Playing subpar games can develop bad habits. If you’re not fully engaged or playing close to your potential, it’s easy to make mistakes and develop negative gameplay patterns. Consistently making these mistakes can lead to ingraining bad habits, which is best avoided.
11. Figure out your optimal settings
Try figuring out your optimal settings by experimenting. Try different settings to find what feels most comfortable and effective for you. Additionally, here a video discussing my preferred settings, so don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to not miss any feature uploads!
12. Utilize the Practice Tool
Utilizing the Practice Tool to your advantage is another big thing. It’s an excellent resource for practicing various aspects like managing waves, understanding champion abilities, combos, damage output, jungle clear patterns, camera control, mouse movement, and more.
13. Understanding the game
Understanding the game leads to clarity in decision-making. When facing unfamiliar champions, items, or situations, confusion arises due to a lack of understanding. To overcome this, delve deeper into understanding the specific elements causing confusion.
Whether it’s a champion’s abilities, an item’s effects, or a particular rune, the more you comprehend, the better equipped you are to deal with it.
14. Enhance your minimap awareness
Enhancing your minimap awareness by incorporating THIS VIDEO in the background while you play, that prompts you to check the minimap regularly.
Having this video playing in the background while you’re in-game helps in building the habit of instinctively glancing at the minimap without actively reminding yourself to do so. This assists in improving your consistency in monitoring the minimap.
15. Understand and push your champion’s limits
Understanding and pushing your champion’s limits to the maximum in LOL will help you get a much better idea what you are and aren’t capable of doing with your champion.
Check champion guides and use practice tool to your advantage. Practice combos. see how abilities interact and many more to get more familiar with the limits of your champion. Once you get in a game do not be afraid to fight and see how well you get to do against a particular champion.
The psychological aspect of the game is equally crucial alongside knowledge. Emotional control impacts your ability to consistently apply what you know. If you’re frustrated, angry, or unable to remain calm, you might struggle to utilize your knowledge effectively. Emphasize mental strength; focus on what you can control and influence rather than things like teammates’ actions.
Starting your journey in League of Legends involves understanding the basics: the game’s objectives, roles, and champions. Focus on learning one or two roles initially, mastering fundamental mechanics like last-hitting minions, map awareness, and item builds.
Experiment with different champions to find your playstyle and improve gradually through practice, watching tutorials, and seeking advice from experienced players. Don’t forget to enjoy the game and embrace the learning processâit’s the key to becoming a skilled player in League of Legends.
Maintain a composed state of mind to play more efficiently and effectively. This allows for better and faster improvements in your gameplay and results.
If you have any questions regarding what has been talked about up to this point, please feel free to ask me by commenting below.
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League of Legends Beginner To Pro Guide
Welcome to this League of Legends Beginner To Pro Guide! League of Legends is a place where strategy meets skill, teamwork reigns supreme, and epic clashes decide the fate of entire civilizations. If you’re a beginner in League of Legends, this guide is just for you!
From the humble beginnings in LoL, to the nature of competitive play. This guide aims to transform you from a beginner League of Legends player into an experienced one. Get ready to learn the champions, unravel the complexities of itemization, delve into the nuances of map control, and embrace the essence of teamwork that defines this iconic multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game.
Table Of Contents
Section 1: Introduction to League of Legends
1.1 Overview of the Game
1.2 Understanding Lanes and Roles
1.3 Champion Diversity #1
1. Top lane
- Lane Dynamics
- Objective Influence
- Teleport plays
- Matchup Dynamics
- Splitting vs Grouping
- Adaptation
1.4 Champion Diversity #2
1. Mid lane
Utility Champions
Roaming Champions
2. Importance of Map Control
3. Wave Management
4. Roaming and Mobility
5. Vision Control
6. Balancing Farm and Roaming
7. Teamfight Impact
8. Adaptability and Itemization
1.5 Champion Diversity #3
1. Bottom Lane
– ADC (Attack Damage Carry)
Farming priority
Positioning ADC
– Support
Utility and Crowd Control
Warding and Vision Control
Roaming and Initiating
– Lane Dynamics
– Objective Control
– Item Synergy and Powerspikes
– Adaptability in Lane
– Late Game Impact
1.6 Champion Diversity #4
1. Jungle
– Ganking
– Farm Focused Junglers
– Objective Control Champions
– Pathing and Clearing
– Ganking and Counter Ganking
– Vision Control
– Objective Priority
– Adaptability and Decision Making
– Teamfight Impact
1.7 Importance of Teamwork and Communication
Section 2: Understanding Champions
– Overview of different champion classes
– Explanation of champion abilities and roles
– Tips for selecting champions
2.1 Top Lane Champions
2.2 Mid Lane Champions
2.3 Bot Lane Champions
2.4 Jungle Champions
Section 3: Basics of Itemization
– Introduction to core items
– Explanation of item types
– How to adapt items builds based on the game situation
3.1 Starting Items
3.2 Core Items
3.3 Item Types
3.4 Adaptation and Situational Items
Section 4: Mastering Builds
– Beginner Friendly Builds for different roles
– Advanced Builds for experienced players
– Examples of popular champions builds by pro players
4.1 Beginner Friendly builds
4.2 Advanced Builds
4.3 Pro Player Builds and Adaptations
4.4 Importance of Flexibility and Learning
Section 5: Laning and Map Control
– Laning phase strategies for each role
– Rotations and map control tips
– Objectives prioritization
5.1 Laning Phase Strategies for Each Role
5.2 Rotations and Map Control Tips
5.3 Objectives Prioritization
5.4 Strategies: Split pushing vs Teamfighting
5.5 Communication and Shotcalling
Section 6: Teamfighting and Strategy
– Teamfight positioning and role-specific responsibilities
– Shotcalling and communication during team engagements
– Split pushing vs. team fighting strategies
6.1 Teamfight Positioning and Responsibilities
6.2 Initiating and Engaging
6.3 Objective-Oriented Teamfights
6.4 Split pushing vs Grouping Strategies
6.5 Shotcalling and Communication
6.6 Adapting Mid-Game and Late-Game Strategies
Section 7: Improving Gameplay
– Reviewing replays for self-improvement
– Understanding macro and micro gameplay
– Importance of practice, patience, and continuous learning
7.1 Reviewing Replays for Self-Improvement
7.2 Understanding Macro and Micro Gameplay
7.3 Importance of Practice and Patience
7.4 Seeking Guidance and Mentorship
7.5 Embracing Continuous Learning
7.6 Mental Attitude and Mindset
Section 8: Resources for Further Improvement
– Links to reputable websites, guides, and pro player streams
– Community forums and places for discussing strategies
– Additional tips and tricks for enhancing gameplay
8.1 Developing a Healthy Mindset
8.2 Managing Tilt and Frustration
8.3 Goal Setting and Focus
8.4 Continuous Learning and Adaptation
8.5 Mental Preparation for Performance
8.6 Seeking Support and Building a Community
- Diverse Roles and Strategies
- Itemization and Adaptability
- Laning, Objectives, and Map Control
- Teamfighting and Strategy
- Continuous Learning and Mental Attitude
- Mentality and Mental Preparation
- Community and Support
Section 1: Introduction to League of Legends
– Brief overview of the game: objectives, champions, lanes, etc
– Explanation of roles (top, jungle, mid, ADC, support)
– Importance of teamwork and communication
1.1 Overview of the game
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) where two teams, each consisting of five players, compete to destroy the opposing team’s Nexus, located in their base. The game is played on the Summoner’s Rift map and involves strategic gameplay, teamwork, and individual skill.
1.2 Understanding Lanes and Roles
LoL features three lanes: top, mid, and bottom, each with a specific purpose and strategic importance. Additionally, the jungle area between these lanes is inhabited by neutral monsters and is crucial for a team’s success.
Top Lane: Often occupied by champions with durability or split-pushing capabilities. This lane typically involves a 1v1 matchup.
1.3 Champion Diversity #1
Top lane champions often vary widely in their playstyles and roles within a team. They can be categorized into:
Tanks: Champions with high durability and crowd control abilities, ideal for initiating team fights or soaking up damage.
Fighters/Bruisers: Versatile champions with a mix of damage and durability, capable of engaging, trading blows, and sustaining in extended fights.
Mages: Some AP-based champions, usually those with sustain or ranged abilities, can thrive in the top lane by poking enemies or controlling the lane with their abilities.
Split-pushers: Champions designed to excel in pushing lanes and applying pressure to multiple points on the map, creating strategic advantages for their team.
– Lane Dynamics
Top lane is often considered an island due to its isolated nature from early game objectives like Dragon. It’s a longer lane, making it prone to ganks from the enemy jungler. Top laners need to balance farming, trading with their opponent, and warding to avoid being vulnerable to ganks.
– Objective Influence:
While top laners might feel isolated early on, their impact in mid to late game team fights and objective control is significant. A well-farmed and strategically played top laner can become a powerful force in securing objectives like Baron Nashor and towers.
– Teleport Plays:
Teleport summoner spell is commonly used by top laners to make cross-map plays, aiding their team during skirmishes, ganks, or securing objectives. Mastering teleport usage and timing can greatly influence the outcome of fights and objectives.
– Matchup Dynamics:
Top lane matchups are diverse and dynamic. Understanding matchups, power spikes, and itemization against specific champions is crucial for success. It involves managing wave manipulation, trading efficiently, and knowing when to play aggressively or passively based on matchups.
– Splitting vs Grouping:
Top laners often face the decision between split-pushing to draw enemies away from objectives or grouping with their team for team fights. This decision heavily relies on the champion’s strengths, team composition, and the state of the game.
– Adaptation:
Top lane requires adaptability. Whether it’s adjusting playstyle based on the team’s needs, building defensively or offensively depending on the game flow, or adjusting strategies based on the enemy team’s composition, being flexible is key to success.
Mastering the top lane involves a combination of mechanical skill, game knowledge, and strategic decision-making. It’s a challenging yet rewarding role that can heavily influence the outcome of matches.
1.4 Champion Diversity #2
1. Mid lane, home to champions with burst damage or strong roaming potential. Mid laners play a pivotal role in controlling the map and securing objectives.
Champion Diversity:
Mid lane hosts a wide variety of champions, including mages, assassins, and occasionally bruisers or marksmen with strong burst or control abilities. These champions are typically focused on dealing damage or controlling the battlefield.
– Mages: AP-based champions with strong abilities that excel in dealing magic damage and controlling team fights. They often have burst damage or AoE spells.
– Assassins: High-mobility champions that specialize in quickly eliminating priority targets. They thrive on picking off enemies and disrupting the enemy backline.
– Utility Champions: Some mid laners bring utility through crowd control, shields, or buffs to support their team.
– Roaming Champions: Certain mid laners possess exceptional roaming potential, allowing them to influence other lanes or assist the jungler in securing objectives.
– Importance of Map Control:
The mid lane’s central position on the map enables mid laners to have a significant impact on both sides of the Summoner’s Rift. Successful mid laners prioritize controlling the lane, pushing waves, and looking for opportunities to roam to side lanes or assist the jungler in invading or securing objectives like the Dragon.
– Wave Management:
Understanding how to manage minion waves is crucial for mid laners. Proper wave manipulation allows them to create pressure, deny CS (creep score), and create opportunities to roam or assist in jungle skirmishes.
– Roaming and Mobility:
Mid laners often have access to Teleport or Ignite summoner spells, but some may opt for spells like Flash or Barrier based on their champion and matchup. Roaming effectively can lead to snowballing advantages for not only the mid laner but also their teammates.
– Vision Control:
Mid laners play a vital role in controlling vision around the river and jungle entrances. Placing wards or denying enemy vision can prevent ganks and set up plays for the team.
– Balancing Farm and Roaming:
Mid laners must strike a balance between farming efficiently and looking for opportunities to impact other lanes. Knowing when to push the wave and roam or when to stay and secure CS is key to success.
– Teamfight Impact:
Mid laners are often key damage dealers in team fights. Positioning, timing of abilities, and target selection are crucial for maximizing their impact and securing victories in team engagements.
– Adaptability and Itemization:
Mid laners need to adapt their build and playstyle based on the matchup, team compositions, and game flow. Proper itemization can significantly enhance a mid laner’s effectiveness.
The mid lane demands versatility, strong map awareness, and the ability to exert influence across the map. Excelling in this role requires a combination of mechanical prowess, game knowledge, and strategic decision-making.
1.5 Champion Diversity #3
– Bottom Lane: Consists of two championsâan Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and a Support. The ADC deals sustained damage while the Support assists and protects them.
– ADC (Attack Damage Carry):
The ADC’s primary role is dealing sustained physical damage throughout the game. They are typically ranged champions who rely heavily on basic attacks and scale with items to become powerful late-game threats.
Farming Priority: ADCs focus on last-hitting minions to accumulate gold and scale into the late game. They require significant farm and items to become effective.
Positioning: ADCs need to position themselves safely in team fights, dealing damage while staying protected by teammates and positioning themselves to avoid enemy threats.
Scaling: ADCs tend to start relatively weak but become increasingly powerful as they acquire items. They are the primary source of consistent damage in team fights.
– Support:
Support champions in the bot lane play a crucial role in protecting and enabling the ADC while providing utility, crowd control, and vision control for the team.
– Utility and Crowd Control:
Supports bring a variety of abilities aimed at assisting the ADC and controlling the enemy team. This can include heals, shields, crowd control, or buffs.
– Warding and Vision Control:
Supports are responsible for placing and maintaining vision around the bot lane, ensuring awareness of potential threats like enemy ganks or objective control.
– Roaming and Initiating:
Experienced supports often roam to assist other lanes or set up plays across the map. They may also be responsible for initiating fights or making crucial engages.
– Lane Dynamics:
Bot lane dynamics involve a delicate balance between aggression and farming. ADCs aim to farm safely and scale while supports control the lane, enabling their ADC to farm and trade efficiently.
– Poke vs. All-in:
Different bot lane duos may focus on poking enemies down gradually or going for all-in engagements to secure kills.
– Wave Management:
Controlling minion waves is essential for bot laners. It affects vision, trading, and the potential for ganks.
– Objective Control:
Due to the bot lane’s proximity to the Dragon pit, bot laners often play a pivotal role in securing this crucial objective. This lane’s control can heavily influence the team’s ability to secure Dragons, which provide powerful buffs.
– Item Synergy and Powerspikes:
ADCs’ itemization and powerspikes significantly impact their strength in the game. Supports often build items that synergize with their ADC, enhancing their effectiveness in fights.
– Adaptability in Lane:
Bot laners need to adapt to various matchups, as the lane can feature a diverse range of enemy champions and playstyles. Understanding when to play aggressively, passively, or freeze the wave is essential.
– Late Game Impact:
ADCs are critical late-game carries, dealing massive damage in team fights. Successful bot lanes can heavily influence the late-game outcome, securing objectives and winning team fights.
Bot lane synergy between ADCs and supports is crucial for success. Communication, coordination, and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses are key elements in dominating the bot lane and transitioning to a powerful late-game force.
1.6 Champion Diversity #4
– Jungle:
The jungler navigates the areas between lanes, killing neutral monsters for experience and gold, while also supporting teammates and influencing the map through ganks and objective control.
– Role and Responsibilities:
Junglers operate in the area between lanes, where neutral monsters reside. Their primary responsibilities include:
– Monster Camp Clearing:
Junglers farm neutral monster camps to gain experience and gold, leveling up and acquiring items to become impactful throughout the game.
– Ganking and Lane Pressure:
Junglers create pressure by ganking lanes, applying pressure to opponents, and securing kills or burning enemy summoner spells.
– Objective Control:
Securing key map objectives such as Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor is a crucial part of a jungler’s role, as these objectives provide powerful advantages for the team.
Junglers come in various forms, including tanks, assassins, bruisers, mages, and utility-focused champions. Each has a unique playstyle and strengths:
– Ganking Champions:
Some junglers excel at early ganking with high mobility or crowd control abilities.
– Farm-Focused Junglers:
Others prioritize farming the jungle to scale into powerful late-game threats.
– Objective Control Champions:
Certain junglers specialize in securing neutral objectives quickly and efficiently.
– Pathing and Clearing:
Efficient jungle pathing involves optimizing routes to clear camps, maintain experience and gold income, and be available for ganks or counterganks when needed. Proper pathing also includes tracking the enemy jungler to anticipate their movements.
– Ganking and Counter-Ganking:
Successful ganks involve coordination with laners, identifying opportune moments, and capitalizing on enemy mistakes or overextension. Counter-ganking, or being in the right place at the right time to turn around enemy ganks, is also crucial.
– Vision Control:
Junglers play a significant role in maintaining vision control. Placing wards in key locations, denying enemy vision, and using Sweeping Lenses or Control Wards are essential for map control and preventing enemy ganks.
– Objective Priority:
Understanding the importance of different objectives at various stages of the game is critical. Junglers must prioritize which objectives to contest, secure, or trade based on their team composition, the state of the game, and potential risks.
– Adaptability and Decision-Making:
Junglers need to adapt their playstyle based on the state of the game. Whether it’s focusing on snowballing lanes, peeling for their carries in team fights, or controlling the map through vision and objective control, quick and effective decision-making is crucial.
– Teamfight Impact:
In team fights, junglers fulfill roles depending on their champion’s strengthsâinitiating fights, peeling for their team’s carries, disrupting the enemy backline, or focusing on high-value targets.
Mastering the jungle role requires a combination of map awareness, strategic thinking, adaptability, and strong decision-making. Effective junglers are not only proficient in their champion’s mechanics but also possess a deep understanding of the game’s macro elements and map control.
Section 2: Understanding Champions
– Overview of different champion classes (mage, assassin, tank, etc.)
– Explanation of champion abilities and roles in team compositions
– Tips for selecting champions based on playstyle and team needs
2.1 Top Lane Champions
Champions like Malphite, Maokai, or Ornn excel in soaking up damage and initiating team fights. They provide crowd control and durability for the team.
Fighters/Bruisers: Darius, Renekton, or Fiora are bruisers with a mix of damage and durability. They thrive in extended fights, dealing significant damage while being able to sustain themselves.
Mages: Some mages can successfully take the top lane, such as Vladimir, Ryze, or Swain. These champions often have sustain or ranged abilities, allowing them to control the lane or sustain themselves.
Split-pushers: Champions like Tryndamere, Jax, or Fiora specialize in split-pushing. They aim to draw enemies to the top lane while pressuring other objectives across the map.
2.2 Mid Lane Champions
Mages: Ahri, Syndra, Orianna, and Vel’Koz are examples of burst damage mages who control the mid lane by poking enemies and bursting them down in team fights.
Assassins: Zed, Fizz, Katarina, and Talon are high-mobility champions capable of quickly eliminating priority targets with their burst damage, making them powerful roamers.
Utility Champions: Some mid laners like Lulu, Karma, or Seraphine bring utility to the team through shields, heals, or crowd control, supporting their team during skirmishes and fights.
Roaming Champions: Twisted Fate, Taliyah, or Aurelion Sol have excellent roaming potential, enabling them to impact other lanes and assist in securing objectives.
2.3 Bot Lane Champions
ADCs: Champions like Jinx, Kai’Sa, Ezreal, and Ashe scale heavily with items, dealing consistent physical damage in team fights, and relying on their team to protect them.
Supports: Enchanters like Janna, Lulu, or Nami provide buffs, heals, and shields to their ADCs. Tanks such as Leona, Alistar, or Nautilus excel at engaging fights and providing crowd control.
2.4 Jungle Champions
Ganking Champions: Lee Sin, Elise, and Jarvan IV are known for their early ganking potential and crowd control, aiming to set up kills for their team.
Farming Junglers: Champions like Master Yi, Shyvana, or Karthus focus on clearing the jungle quickly to scale into powerful late-game threats.
Objective Control Champions: Nunu & Willump, Shyvana, or Udyr excel at securing neutral objectives due to their fast clear speed and objective control abilities.
Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles of various champions within each role is crucial for drafting, counter-picking, and overall team strategy in League of Legends. Players often find success by mastering a few champions in their preferred roles while understanding the broader dynamics of different champion types.
Section 3: Basics of Itemization
– Introduction to core items (Doran’s items, boots, etc.)
– Explanation of item types (offensive, defensive, utility)
– How to adapt item builds based on the game situation
3.1 Starting Items
Doran’s Items: These provide early-game stats and sustain. D Blade is often used by ADCs for extra damage and health, while Doran’s Ring suits AP champions for mana sustain and extra damage. Doran’s Shield is preferred by champions seeking early survivability and health regeneration.
Boots: Basic boots offer movement speed, enabling quicker rotations across the map or dodging skill shots. Starting with boots allows for faster mobility, although sacrificing other early-game stats.
3.2 Core Items
Offensive Items: These items offer increased damage output and are tailored to different champion types. For example, Infinity Edge for ADCs, Luden’s Echo for mages, or Trinity Force for bruisers/fighters.
Defensive Items: Defensive items provide survivability against specific threats. Guardian Angel, Zhonya’s Hourglass, or Banshee’s Veil are examples, offering protection against burst damage, crowd control, or magic damage, respectively.
Utility Items: These items enhance a champion’s utility. Supports might opt for items like Redemption or Mikael’s Crucible for healing or crowd control removal, while tanks could choose items like Gargoyle Stoneplate for teamfight durability.
3.3 Item Types
Lifesteal/Spellvamp: These items provide sustain by healing champions based on their auto-attacks (lifesteal) or ability damage (spellvamp). Blade of the Ruined King and Hextech Gunblade are examples.
Armor Penetration/Magic Penetration: These items reduce the enemy’s armor or magic resist, respectively, allowing champions to deal more damage. Examples include Last Whisper for physical damage or Void Staff for magic damage.
Cooldown Reduction (CDR): Items like Black Cleaver or Ionian Boots of Lucidity grant CDR, reducing the cooldowns of abilities, allowing champions to cast spells more frequently.
3.4 Adaptation and Situational Items
Situational Items: Players adapt their builds based on the game’s dynamics. Building resistances against the enemy team’s composition (Armor against AD-heavy teams, Magic Resist against AP-heavy teams) or countering specific enemy champions (such as building Grievous Wounds against heal-heavy enemies) is crucial.
Counter-Building: Players adjust their itemization to counter the opponents’ builds or playstyles. This might involve building anti-healing against sustain-heavy champions or purchasing items that counter specific mechanics like crowd control (e.g., Quicksilver Sash or its upgrade, Mercurial Scimitar).
Understanding itemization allows players to adapt their builds to the flow of the game, counter their opponents, and optimize their champion’s strengths while mitigating weaknesses. It’s a vital aspect of strategy in League of Legends that evolves as the game progresses.
Section 4: Mastering Builds
– Beginner-friendly builds for different roles (suggested items, starting items)
– Advanced builds for experienced players (situational items, counter-building)
– Examples of popular champion builds used by pro players
4.1 Beginner-Friendly Builds
For novice players, starting with simple and effective item builds can provide a solid foundation for their chosen role:
– ADC Build: Starting with a standard ADC build consisting of items like Kraken Slayer (for increased damage), Berserker’s Greaves (for attack speed), and Infinity Edge (for critical strike damage) can offer a straightforward yet effective setup for auto-attack focused champions.
– Mage Build: Mages can begin with core items like Luden’s Tempest (providing ability haste and burst damage), Sorcerer’s Shoes (for magic penetration), and Rabadon’s Deathcap (for increased ability power), focusing on increasing their spell damage output.
– Tank Build: Tanks might opt for items like Sunfire Aegis (providing health and tankiness), Plated Steelcaps or Mercury’s Treads (offering resistance against physical or magic damage, respectively), and Thornmail (to mitigate enemy healing) to enhance survivability in fights.
4.2 Advanced Builds
For more experienced players, adapting builds based on game flow, matchups, and team compositions becomes crucial:
– Situational Items: Understanding when to incorporate situational items is key. Building Grievous Wounds against heal-heavy teams, purchasing Guardian Angel for extra survivability in team fights, or adapting penetration items based on enemy resistances are advanced strategies.
– Counter-Building: Recognizing enemy threats and counter-building becomes more prevalent at higher levels of play. For instance, investing in items like Quicksilver Sash or Banshee’s Veil against heavy crowd control or magic damage compositions respectively, or buying Executioner’s Calling against sustain-heavy champions.
4.3 Pro Player Builds and Adaptations
– Studying Pro Builds: Observing item builds used by professional players can offer valuable insights. Analyzing their choices in different matchups, team compositions, and game phases can help in understanding the rationale behind specific builds and adaptations.
– Flexibility and Adaptation: Professional players often showcase adaptability in their builds. They might deviate from standard builds to adjust to unique game situations, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and flexibility in itemization.
4.4 Importance of Flexibility and Learning
– Experimentation and Learning: Encouraging players to experiment with different item combinations, adapt their builds to various scenarios, and learn from both successes and failures is crucial for growth and improvement.
– Continuous Learning: Emphasizing that itemization is a continuous learning process, influenced by meta shifts, patch updates, and personal playstyle, encourages players to stay updated and adapt their builds accordingly.
Mastering item builds involves a combination of understanding core itemization principles, adapting to varying situations, and continually learning from experience and higher-level gameplay. This section aims to guide players from basic builds to more nuanced and adaptable itemization strategies.
Section 5: Laning and Map Control
– Laning phase strategies for each role (CSing, trading, warding)
– Rotations and map control tips
– Objectives prioritization (towers, dragons, baron, etc.)
5.1 Laning Phase Strategies for Each Role
– Top Lane: Top laners focus on managing the minion wave, trading efficiently, and balancing aggression with caution. They must ward effectively to avoid ganks due to the lane’s isolation.
– Mid Lane: Mid laners need to control the wave, apply pressure on the enemy mid laner, and look for opportunities to roam or assist in jungle skirmishes. Vision around river entrances is crucial to avoid ganks.
– Bot Lane (ADC/Support): ADCs prioritize farming and scaling, while supports control the lane, set up vision, and look for opportunities to engage or protect their ADC.
– Jungle: Junglers need to balance farming, ganking, and objective control. Effective pathing and tracking the enemy jungler’s movements are crucial for successful ganks and counterganks.
5.2 Rotations and Map Control Tips
– Objective Prioritization: Understanding the importance of objectives such as Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron is crucial. Communicating with the team to secure these objectives or contest enemy attempts is key.
– Wave Management: Manipulating minion waves to create pressure, deny CS, or set up dives or roams is essential for controlling the map and creating advantageous situations.
– Vision Control: Placing wards in strategic locations, utilizing Control Wards, and denying enemy vision around key objectives like Dragon or Baron can prevent surprise attacks and secure objectives.
5.3 Objectives Prioritization
– Towers: Taking down outer and inner turrets opens up the map, allowing for deeper vision and control over objectives. Protecting your own turrets is equally crucial to prevent map pressure.
– Dragon: Dragons provide significant buffs to the team, making controlling and securing these objectives vital. Understanding elemental drakes and their effects is essential for strategic decisions.
– Baron Nashor: Baron buff empowers minions and champions, aiding in pushing lanes and securing victory. It’s a game-changing objective that requires proper setup and control.
5.4 Strategies: Split-pushing vs. Teamfighting
– Split-pushing: Utilizing champions with strong split-push capabilities can create map pressure, forcing enemies to respond and potentially creating advantages elsewhere on the map.
– Teamfighting: Understanding team compositions and power spikes to engage in favorable team fights can secure objectives, create advantages, and push towards victory.
5.5 Communication and Shotcalling
– Effective Communication: Constantly communicating information about enemy positions, cooldowns, and intentions is crucial for coordinated movements and engages.
– Shotcalling: Designating a shotcaller or being one yourself can help guide the team in making strategic decisions regarding objectives, rotations, and teamfights.
Understanding the nuances of laning, map control, and objective prioritization allows players to make informed decisions throughout the game. Mastering these aspects contributes significantly to a team’s success and leads to more strategic and coordinated gameplay.
Section 6: Teamfighting and Strategy
– Teamfight positioning and role-specific responsibilities
– Shotcalling and communication during team engagements
– Split-pushing vs. teamfighting strategies
6.1 Teamfight Positioning and Responsibilities
– Frontline: Tanks and bruisers usually occupy the frontline, soaking up damage, and initiating fights. They aim to disrupt the enemy team and protect their carries.
– Backline: ADCs and mages position themselves behind the frontline, dealing damage from a safe distance. Their primary focus is dealing consistent damage while staying protected.
– Supporting Roles: Supports play a crucial role in team fights, providing crowd control, peeling for their carries, and using their abilities to disrupt or protect as needed.
6.2 Initiating and Engaging
– Engage Tools: Champions with engage abilities, such as stuns, hooks, or dashes, initiate fights. Timing engages properly and catching opponents off-guard can create advantageous teamfight situations.
– Follow-up and Coordination: Teammates must follow up on engages, coordinating abilities to maximize their impact. Combining ultimates and chaining crowd control is key to securing kills or winning fights.
6.3 Objective-Oriented Teamfights
– Objective Focus: Teamfights often revolve around securing or contesting objectives. Prioritizing targets or zoning enemies away from objectives is crucial in these scenarios.
– Peeling and Protecting: Protecting high-priority targets like the ADC is essential. Peelers use abilities to keep threats away from their carries, ensuring their sustained damage output.
6.4 Split-pushing vs. Grouping Strategies
– Split pushing: During split-push strategies, one or more teammates pressure side lanes while the rest of the team applies pressure in another lane or around an objective. This strategy can force the enemy team into difficult decisions, creating opportunities for picks or objectives.
– Grouping: Grouping as five allows for stronger teamfight potential and more secure control over objectives. It’s crucial for coordinated engages and securing important objectives like Baron or Dragon.
6.5 Shotcalling and Communication
– Shotcalling in Teamfights: Having a shotcaller directing the team during teamfights helps maintain focus and ensures everyone is on the same page. Quick decision-making is crucial in these high-stress situations.
– Clear Communication: Teams must communicate cooldowns, target priorities, and focus to ensure efficient execution of strategies and abilities during teamfights.
6.6 Adapting Mid-Game and Late-Game Strategies
– Mid Game Rotations: Transitioning from laning phase to mid-game involves rotating to secure objectives, setting up vision, and making plays around the map to gain advantages.
– Late Game Objective Control: As the game progresses, focusing on key objectives like Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon becomes critical. Teams must prioritize vision control and plan strategic plays to secure these game-changing buffs.
Mastering teamfighting involves a combination of understanding champion roles, proper positioning, coordination, and effective communication. Developing strategies that capitalize on strengths and adapt to changing game dynamics is crucial for success in League of Legends.
Section 7: Improving Gameplay
– Reviewing replays for self-improvement
– Understanding macro and micro gameplay
– Importance of practice, patience, and continuous learning
7.1 Reviewing Replays for Self-Improvement
– Replay Analysis: Reviewing your gameplay replays allows for a detailed examination of decisions, mechanics, and mistakes made during matches. It helps identify areas for improvement.
– Identifying Mistakes: Analyzing deaths, missed opportunities, inefficient resource management, or positioning errors provides valuable insights into areas requiring attention and improvement.
7.2 Understanding Macro and Micro Gameplay
– Macro Play: This involves broader strategic decisions, such as objective prioritization, rotations, and map control. Understanding macro play contributes significantly to a team’s success.
– Micro Play: Microscopic gameplay refers to individual mechanics, like last-hitting minions, trading efficiently, ability combos, and positioning in fights. Mastering micro play enhances overall performance.
7.3 Importance of Practice and Patience
– Consistent Practice: Regularly playing and practicing champions, mechanics, and strategies helps in improving overall skill and game understanding.
– Learning from Mistakes: Embracing errors as learning opportunities and not being discouraged by losses is crucial. Every defeat or mistake is a chance to grow and improve.
7.4 Seeking Guidance and Mentorship
– Community Engagement: Engaging with the League of Legends community through forums, discussions, or online communities can offer valuable insights, tips, and discussions on strategies and gameplay.
– Finding Mentors: Learning from experienced players or seeking guidance from mentors can accelerate the learning curve. Mentors like our COACHES can provide personalized advice and strategies tailored to individual gameplay.
7.5 Embracing Continuous Learning
– Adapting to Meta Changes: The League of Legends meta constantly evolves due to patches, balance changes, and shifts in strategies. Staying informed and adapting to these changes is essential.
– Experimentation and Innovation: Being open to trying new strategies, builds, or approaches allows for personal growth and might lead to discovering innovative playstyles.
7.6 Mental Attitude and Mindset
– Positive Mindset: Maintaining a positive attitude, focusing on improvement rather than immediate results, and managing tilt or frustration contributes to a healthier gaming experience and better performance.
– Setting Goals: Establishing achievable short-term and long-term goals, whether it’s mastering a new champion, improving CS, or climbing ranks, provides direction and motivation for improvement.
Improving gameplay in League of Legends is a continuous journey that involves a mix of self-reflection, practice, learning from others, and maintaining a positive attitude. Embracing the learning process and consistently striving for improvement are key factors in becoming a better player.
Section 8: Resources for Further Improvement
– Links to reputable websites, guides, and pro player streams
– Community forums and places for discussing strategies
– Additional tips and tricks for enhancing gameplay
8.1 Developing a Healthy Mindset
– Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive outlook, focusing on improvement rather than immediate results, and acknowledging mistakes as learning opportunities are key aspects of a healthy mindset.
– Resilience: Building resilience to handle losses, setbacks, and mistakes positively, using them as stepping stones for improvement rather than sources of discouragement.
8.2 Managing Tilt and Frustration
– Recognizing Tilt: Identifying signs of frustration or tilt during gameplay, such as impulsive decisions, negativity, or loss of focus, and taking steps to address them.
– Taking Breaks: Stepping away from the game when emotions run high, taking breaks between matches, or engaging in relaxation techniques helps in managing tilt and maintaining a clear mind.
8.3 Goal Setting and Focus
– Setting Clear Goals: Establishing achievable goals, whether they’re related to improving mechanics, climbing ranks, or mastering specific champions, provides direction and motivation.
– Maintaining Focus: Concentrating on the present game rather than dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future outcomes enhances focus and decision-making during matches.
8.4 Continuous Learning and Adaptation
– Openness to Learning: Embracing a growth mindset by being open to learning from mistakes, seeking guidance, and actively looking for opportunities to improve.
– Adapting to Changes: Being adaptable to meta shifts, game updates, or changes in strategies is crucial. Embrace changes as opportunities to explore new approaches and refine gameplay.
8.5 Mental Preparation for Performance
– Pre game Rituals: Establishing pre-game routines or rituals, such as warm-up matches, stretching, meditation, or listening to music, helps in mentally preparing for matches.
– Visualizing Success: Using visualization techniques to imagine successful plays, strategies, or outcomes before matches can positively impact in-game performance.
8.6 Seeking Support and Building a Community
– Support System: Having a supportive community or group of friends within the game helps in sharing experiences, discussing strategies, and providing emotional support during tough times.
– Engaging in Positive Communities: Being part of positive and constructive communities, forums, or groups fosters a healthier gaming environment and encourages mutual growth.
Maintaining a healthy mentality and mental preparation is crucial for consistent performance and overall enjoyment of League of Legends. Developing resilience, managing emotions, and fostering a positive mindset contribute significantly to becoming a better player.
League of Legends is more than just a game; it’s a dynamic and ever-evolving platform that challenges players to excel in various aspects, both individually and as a team. Here’s a summary of the crucial points discussed in this guide:
1. Diverse Roles and Strategies: Understanding the unique rolesâtop lane, mid lane, bot lane, jungleâand their intricacies helps in mastering different playstyles, champion types, and strategies.
2. Itemization and Adaptability: The art of itemization involves adapting builds based on matchups, team compositions, and game flow. Flexibility in item choices is crucial for optimizing champion performance.
3. Laning, Objectives, and Map Control: Mastering laning, wave management, and controlling objectives are pivotal for gaining advantages and controlling the map.
4. Teamfighting and Strategy: Teamfighting involves positioning, coordination, and understanding roles within the team, while strategies like split-pushing and grouping affect game outcomes.
5. Continuous Learning and Mental Attitude: Embracing a growth mindset, seeking continuous improvement, and maintaining a positive mental attitude are vital for personal and gameplay development.
6. Mentality and Mental Preparation: Managing tilt, setting clear goals, and mental preparation before games are essential for consistent performance and a healthier gaming experience.
7. Community and Support: Being part of a supportive community, seeking mentorship, and engaging positively contribute to a more enriching gaming environment.
In conclusion, improvement in League of Legends is a journey encompassing multiple facetsâmechanical skill, game knowledge, strategy, and mental fortitude. By adopting a holistic approach, embracing a growth mindset, and continuously seeking self-improvement, players can evolve not only as skilled individuals but also as positive contributors to the vibrant League of Legends community. Striving for improvement isn’t just about becoming a better player; it’s about fostering a mindset of growth and enjoying the journey of learning and mastering the game.
This is going to be the only LANING PHASE GUIDE FOR ALL ROLES IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS you will ever need to get started or improve on your laning phase and start climbing through the ranks!
Do you want to learn everything necessary to get through the laning phase and stomp your opponent making yourself look like a smurf?
We will talk about the different kinds of champions, wave management, trading, positioning, proper recall timers and warding.
If you do not know what wave management is and trading, PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to those 2 things because they are very important
Everything that will be talked about can be applied to every lane no matter if you play Top Lane, Mid Lane or Bot Lane with some small differences between the lanes which are the following:
1. Different Champion Roles/Classes
Everything that you need to know about the different champion roles in the game you can find here but here is something to get you quickly introduced:
In League of Legends there are 7 champion classes and they are the following:
1.1 Controller (Enchanter, Catcher)
1.2 Mage (Burst, Battlemage, Artilery)
1.3 Tank (Vanguard, Warden), Specialist
1.4 Marksman (ADC)
1.5 Fighter (Juggernaut, Diver)
1.6 Specialist
1.7 Slayer (Assassin, Skirmisher)
1.1 Controllers (Catcher, Enchanter)
Controllers are there to protect their teammates and create opportunities for their teammates.
Basic Enchanters to understand the role are Soraka and Lulu – you will learn how to manage your mana pool, how and when to effectively use your important cooldowns (Crescendo, Wish or Whimsy) and when it’s safe to leave your lane partner to build vision.
Basic Catchers – A few examples are: Blitzcrank or Zyra. Those champions help you to understand how important landing skill shots is and how to apply pressure in lane by “using no CC as CC”
1.2 Mage (Burst,Battlemage, Artilery)
Mages are there to wither down their opponents using powerful spells.
Basic Burst Mages – Lux, Annie and Veigar. Those champions will teach you about mana management, damage foresight and importance of crowd control.
Basic Battlemages – the only battlemage I’d recommend to beginners is Malzahar. The class is pretty difficult to play properly, because you have to be constantly moving and trying to deal as much Area of Effect damage as possible without getting hit yourselves.
Basic Artilery mages – Xerath. Artilery mages thrive in poking down opponents making it easier for their teammates to finish them off. This is the best class to understand the mana management.
1.3 Tank (Vanguard, Warden), Specialist
Tanks are there to apply crowd control and soak up as much damage as possible for their teammates.
Basic Vanguards – Leona, Amumu, Rammus. Playing Vanguards teaches you about importance of saving up CC for priority targets, about durability and about peeling (taking focus away from an important teammate onto yourself).
Basic Wardens – Braum, Shen. Wardens’ main goal is to protect their teammates. Playing them teaches you about peeling and about durability.
1.4 Marksman (ADC)
Marksman (ADC) are there to deal as much damage as possible without getting hit themselves. The basic marksmen to understand the role are Ashe and Miss Fortune. Playing marksmen teaches you about importance of proper positioning, tracking big cooldowns (engage abilities on the enemy team) and itemization.
1.5 Fighter (Juggernaut, Diver)
Fighters are there to get behind the enemy lines and wreak havoc to take focus away from their teammates.
Basic Juggernauts – Darius, Garen and Sett. Those champions will help you understand durability, itemization and target priority in team fights.
Basic Divers – Jarvan IV, Olaf or Warwick. They teach you basically the same thing, but contrary to Juggernauts, they have a way of getting into the backline.
1.6 Specialist
Specialists as the name suggests, are very unique champions that specialize in certain things. Every specialist champion is very unique and each one of them can teach you new things, but it’s very hard to simplify those champions, so I’ll let you discover them for yourselves.
1.7 Slayer (Assassin, Skirmisher)
Slayers are champions capable of taking down enemy champions quickly, even in a 1v2, 1v3 scenario. They’re those huge damage dealers that require a lot of experience on them to play properly.
Basic Assassin I’d recommend to beginner players is Talon. Playing assassins teaches you about understanding damage foresight, roaming, vision control and flanking.
Basic Skirmishers – Jax and Master Yi. Skirmishers get strong with items, so it’s important to understand your level/item power spikes. Skirmishers are one of the best classes in the game in the late stages of the game.
2. Wave Management:
The waves spawn at the same time at 1:05 but reach Top and Bot at 1:38 while at mid at 1:28 because Mid lane is a shorter lane compared to the rest.
Wave management is one of the most, if not the most important things in League Of Legends. This can differentiate a good player vs the best. There are 3 parts to wave management and they are:
2.1 Fast Pushing
Fast pushing is when you are actively damaging the enemy wave to make it push towards the side of your opponent as quickly as possible. There are lots and different reasons as to why you would like to Fast Push the wave and here are some:
1.1 You want to get a recall to spend your gold and buy items.
1.2 You suspect the enemy jungler is looking to gank your lane.
1.3 You want to dive your opponent under the tower because they are low on HP.
Here is an example of how a Fast Push looks like:
2.2 Slow Pushing
Slow pushing is when you are killing the enemy minions right before they are about to die. This gets to create a very big wave over time which gives you some of the following benefits:
2.1 You keep yourself safe from getting ganked.
2.2 If the enemy laner attacks you, the minions will help you giving you an advantage.
2.3 You create a big wave to dive your opponent with your jungler.
Here is an example of how a Slow Push looks like:
2.3 Freezing
Freezing is when you keep the wave stationary. You achieve that by creating a 3 to 5 minions disadvantage from your side and maintaining the wave like that to keep it in the same place for an extended period of time. Some of the benefits that Freezing gives you are the following:
– Keeps you very safe from getting ganked.
– Very easy to set up ganks because the enemy laner is very far up on the lane.
– Gives very little room for your opponent to trade with you.
Here is an example of how a Freeze looks like:
Now, trading directly ties to Wave Management which we talked about above!
Trading is when you and your opponent start interacting with each other dealing damage by using auto attacks or abilities. There is also harassing which means you or your opponent is dealing damage without you or him taking any.
When you start dealing damage directly to your opponent with an auto attack or a targeted you get to pull minion aggro towards you so that needs to be kept in mind. That will not happen if you use an AOE ability like Lux E for example.
Having a level advantage is very crucial in trading, especially during the first 3 levels. The reason for that is until we get to hit level 3 we do not have all of our 3 abilities up meaning the advantage if you are level 2 compared to your opponent being level 1 is HUGE.
The same goes for level 6. If you hit level 6 before your opponent, you get to have your ultimate ability up while they do not. So if any of those scenarios happen to you do not hesitate to fight with your opponent!
Keeping track of abilities and spell cooldowns is another big thing too! If your enemy laner has an ability or 2 on cooldown this is a HUMONGOUS advantage for you.
You should immediately be looking to fight with no hesitation! Not fighting when your opponent has cooldowns on is like being in a fight with someone and him being very tired and you giving him time to rest and recover. Ridiculous, isn’t it? EXACTLY!
Last but not least when trading is keeping track/being aware of where the enemy and ally jungler is. If you suspect the enemy jungler is close, avoid fighting. If your jungler is coming towards your lane or is close to it, make sure to communicate with pings that you want to fight. Then when he comes close, go in and score that kill!
Positioning depends on many factors like jungler/s position, ability cooldowns, level advantage, gank potential and more. You need to be very conscious of it but mostly being able to identify good vs bad positioning, especially in the moment (when playing) is through experience AKA playing a lot.
If you will be looking to make it as difficult as possible for your opponent to attack you, you would like to position to the opposite side from where he is. If he sits on the left side of the lane, you go to the right and vice versa.
Maybe you want to position on the opposite side from where he is to set a gank up making him or her stay closer to where your jungler is coming from
If you got abilities on cooldown or a level disadvantage then falling back a bit to avoid trades is going to be the go-to.
When you know you can win a trade you can have ”bad” positioning to bait your opponent into feeling comfortable walking up. Then once he bites the bait you go in and look for the trade/all-in.
Proper recall timers are revolving around the waves once again. Depending on the state of the wave that you have in your lane, your recall is either going to be a bad one or a good one. This has been covered extensively in my video about wave management but here is something regarding that:
A good recall timer would be for example when you get to push the wave and make it crash under the enemy’s tower. This is a good time to recall because the wave is bounce back towards your side (basically slow push) and you will come back to a lane slow pushing towards you, allowing you to get a freeze or catch the wave right on time, losing very little to no minions.
A bad recall timer would be for example when you recall and your wave is pushing towards the enemy laner. That is bad because more minions from the enemy wave die compared to yours, putting you be on a deficit.
!WARNING! Greeding for a tower plate that is worth 125G can be counter-intuitive and in the long run, lose you more gold and lose you opportunities that would be much more beneficial, giving you well over 125G!
Now last but not least, warding. How do we know WHEN, WHY and WHERE to ward? Warding is giving you vision in areas of fog of war where you can not see if an enemy is going through there, if he is there or if there has been placed an enemy ward.
6.1 When to ward?
Usually, you would like to ward when you notice that you are getting yourself into a vulnerable position. That would be for example when you start pushing towards the side of the enemy team. You start getting further up into the lane, attracting attention wards you.
6.2 Why to ward?
Warding keeps you safe from getting surprised. Possibly getting collapsed on by multiple members but this is not just for safety. Warding and getting vision allows you to see where the enemy is going, so you can set a trap or make a play that is not expected, considering that the enemies don’t know that they went through is warded.
6.3 Where to ward?
Now here I will include what wards to place where. Regular wards because they are invisible should be placed in areas where your opponent will be relatively safe and can clear the ward. That would be for example river or their jungle where they have control of the area.
Control wards should be placed in areas that are under our team’s control meaning usually our jungle.
In conclusion, the laning phase consists of multiple areas that need to be learnt and improved on over time. Requires a very good understanding of them to be able and utilize them to their fullest, giving you the best results possible and resulting in you achieving the rank or goal that you have always been dreaming of.
Whether it is knowing you will get level 6 first, having the better wave state, getting a proper recall timer or having very good vision that saves you from getting killed during a gank, this guide opens up your POV (point of view) and makes you see things in a different light.
Always remember that League Of Legends is a very complex game that requires time, patience, effort and time put into it. Save time not building up bad habits with guides like this one, is completely necessary and a big step forward for anyone trying to learn or get into the game.
Do not be intimidated and remember, everything at the start is difficult but taking it step by step, it becomes much easier over time! Put your mind into it and you will be able to achieve it!
Learn the pros and cons of the champion that you play and play against, learn about wave management with this guide and you will start seeing immediate results in your games. ( Best channel to learn the pros and cons of each champion HERE
If you need help with anything extra, do not hesitate to leave a comment below or come over at my Twitch channel where I stream live and ask me there
1 Secret for your climb in League of Legends, that I’m going to teach you in this blog and how to start your climb in League of Legends. Unleashing your true potential and starting to move towards your dream rank! Climbing in League of Legends can be very difficult but not after you go through this blog
I will give you some extra tips to climb and tell you my story as to how I managed to go from a player who was playing the game since the start of season 3. Being hard stuck diamond up to season 9 reaching 253LP on EUNE.
Then making my big breakthrough during the last few months of season 11. Reaching 653LP with less than 400 games on EUW playing Yasuo and Yone Top lane. Becoming one of the best coaches for Skillcapped and privately
”My team is holding me back and I can’t climb” ”I am being inted every game” ”If I had better teammates I would be in the rank I deserve”
Do these phrases sound familiar to you? YeahâŠ.
Let’s get back to the subject now. Your climb in League of Legends can be difficult. Well, I have heard things like these from my students a lot. It always ended up being not just their teammates not doing well but they as well.
The games that we would go through with them, no matter if it would be a live game or a VOD Review. Would always end up them having the opportunity to do so many things in a different way. Potentially changing the outcome of the game and getting the odds to be more even or to their favour!
The majority of us who play competitive games, especially that is for team games. You rely on other people than just yourself to be able to win the game. But what if I told you there is a secret that a very small minority of players know and use in their games?
That secret to climb in League of Legends is having a growth mindset. You focus on what you can control and influence leaving everything else to the side. Not without allowing external factors to affect your gameplay
Also, comment below WHAT FRUSTRATES YOU THE MOST in your own experience when playing League of Legends or just SOLOQ?
Having a growth mindset will help you focus on yourself. What you do or how consistent you are. Things that you can learn or simply things that you already know, can start improving on to get them ”perfect”.
Now, we can’t get anything perfect really but this is what we want to strive for. To be able and perform the best that we possibly can. Getting to understand human psychology is, I will emphasize the following word: KEY, IT IS KEY.
Why you would ask? Why should I get to understand human psychology to get better in a game like League?
The more you get to understand why things happen the more sense it makes.
If your teammate starts running the game down or acting in a very childish way for something small like accidentally taking one of his minions is not something a human being with a good mental or physical state or in some cases both would do.
Getting mad at him or her would not help you or screaming at him.
This is like going to the grocery store. Bumping into someone by accident or because the aisle is small, saying sorry and them screaming back at you. ”HEY WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU WANNA FIGHT” and then starting to curse you out.
Do you think that person is well? Of course not! Something is off and you are not the reason or at least the main reason why he reacted like that.
Maybe something is wrong for him on that specific day, he might have lost his job, maybe he has been going mistreated by someone he loves.
Maybe his childhood was very rough so he is left with traumatized now not being able to deal with his issue or issues and behaving in this certain way.
Of course, there can be so many other reasons but you get the point. This is the same thing with your teammates when they get to act in such a way.
When you can get to realize the cause as to why they start behaving in such a way, it is much easier for you to be okay with it, allowing yourself to not be affected and to try and perform your best.
Now, there is another thing in the mental/mindset aspect of the game which is learning to deal with uncertainty. This ties back to some extent to what we said before but in the uncertainty aspect of the game, you can include the following things.
Not being able to win every game, you are just 10% of the games that you play in, you will be getting weak sided or camped without there being much to do about.
You had teammates who tilt and won’t stop even after kindly asking them to stop, not being able to win every single one of your games, receiving unjustified loses where you were supposed to win but there will be games where you underperformed and still win.
Something extra to keep in mind is the reason why we always say and I quote: ”My team always run down my games” is because the human mind gets to remember bad events much easier than good ones.
Bad events or memories are much more sticky and you start having this kind of victim mindset where you start justifying why you are where you are in your current situation making yourself feel better instead of going with the harsh uncomfortable truth where you can say: I could have done better this game.
You would also not like to have negativity around you. Either cut those people off or keep it to a minimum. That is very sticky as well, this kind of energy and it starts to pull you down. That is pretty much the saying:
”Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”.
No complaining, no bitching. Vent a bit, accept responsibility for your actions, be better and move forward. No matter if you win or lose you can always learn something new and improve.
My story started at the end of season 2 beginning of season 3 starting as a support main playing Morgana and Leona hovering around mid to high silver elo but not able to go into gold and get the victorious skin that everyone was looking for.
Then moving to mid lane playing Yasuo and Ekko climbing slowly but surely to gold and platinum elo. I was watching videos on how to become better at the game.
I was getting banned unfortunately for my bad behavior and poor mental and just starting new accounts over and over again just to get them banned a few months down the road.
Tried out a few more different champions hoping I can start climbing even more in League. In the end, I made my final decision to move towards the top lane. I fell in love with that role and how almost if not all combat was face-to-face, being able to punish your opponent and get huge leads by just making a good play and following up on that.
Sticking with that role from season 7 up to today’s date being my favourite role in the game. Going up and down once again, getting banned and getting up to Diamond 5 during season 8 being extremely stuck. Feeling so lost for the first few months but yet like I was on top of the world. I FINALLY GOT TO REACH DIAMOND
Season 9 came around and I started to improve much more significantly. Watching more educational videos for LoL, and putting even more time into the game. There was finally so light in the tunnel. Made it out of Diamond 5 into Diamond 4 then eventually Diamond 2 getting into Master tier for the first time ever since I started playing the game.
A few weeks later I managed to get 253LP which was Grandmaster at the time over at EUNE but it didn’t last long. Now I went back down into the Diamond Tier and stayed there.
Improvement had done and I eventually moved permanently over to EUW making it the server I mainly play on, bouncing between Diamond 2 and low master tier. I did not know what was wrong.
I had some games where I would completely stomp the enemy team and other games where I would not perform at all which resulted into just going between the ranks up and down all the time.
Season 10 is pretty much the same story just as in season 9
Then season 11 comes. I finally finished my placement games, fast-forwarding a few months later same the same results just like in the previous 2 seasons. I did not know what to do. Something was really wrong. Then I came across a video about how to deal with uncertainty and it is like this opened my eyes. My head exploded.
I was playing while having this video in the background, listening to it on repeat for days in a row and I finally started to see some results eventually managing to get around 450 LP in master ELO unfortunately dropping to 150 and getting that account permabanned for bad behavior.
So we are back now to square 1. Devastation hit me. Felt hopeless and crushed but I had no other options than starting again so that is what I did. I got a smurf account in platinum 1 that was an account to just chill, relax and play for fun.
I had it lying around and started to grind once again getting it from Platinum 1 to my peak of 653LP with a 60% win rate only within one and a half month.
Mind you up to season 9 or maybe even 10 it was I had well over 10 accounts perma banned.
The reason why I was able to make a breakthrough and get to where I am right now is because of everything that we talked about in this video. In my case, I had very bad childhood trauma and a lot of insecurities.
Decided to go to therapy and that opened my eyes to what I am teaching you today. Immediately I started to do research and learn more about how the human brain and psychology work and everything started clicking in my head.
So this is how important having a good mental, mindset and understanding of human psychology is. Honestly, this is the biggest factor as to what separates someone good from the best players. Of course, there are other factors as well but this is truly what makes the biggest difference.
If you take a look at someone like Michael Jordan or anyone else who is one of the best. This is exactly what they are talking about. Mindset and mentality.
It gets you steps ahead of your rivals and allows you to perform in such a way where no one would believe before that was possible. By you or if not by anyone in existence
There is always a first time for everything that people say that is impossible. So how do you know you might not be the first to achieve something that has been not done before? Until you do not try, you will never know.
So what are you waiting for? Start taking accountability for your actions. Focus on what you can control and influence. Look up the right sources of information and get to work!
Here, we will go over the top 6 TIPS AND TRICKS for LOL that will help you win more games.
League of Legends is a game made by Riot Games. Quite a complex game with many concepts to learn.
No matter if you are a beginner or a long-time player in the low ranks, LOL can be very frustrating to play when you do not know where to start so here are the top 6 TIPS AND TRICKS to start improving in League of Legends significantly.
When we all started playing League for the first time we were not guided towards a specific direction.
It was just a simple and short tutorial showing a few champions to pick from, kill the enemy champions, their towers, minions and eventually their nexus resulting in the win.
But what after that?
No more guides are being provided and that is when you might start feeling lost so here are the best 5 tips and tricks for League of Legends that we from believe will get you started towards improving in LOL and ranking up!
Here are the 6 tips and tricks for LOL that we will be going over!
1. Have the correct mindset
2. Keep your champion pool small
3. Learn wave management
3.1 Freezing
3.2 Slow Pushing
3.3 Fast Pushing
4. Have better camera control
5. Be aware of the minimap
6. Stop making things more difficult
7. Conclusion
Tips and Tricks LOL #1. Have the correct mindset
– Why should I get to understand human psychology to get better in a game like League?
Well, glad you asked. Having the correct mentality and mindset going into a game is very important no matter if you are a beginner in League of Legends, a long-time player or even a high ELO player. This is what separates the very good from the best players. Getting to understand the psychological part of the game is KEY!, and I emphasize it!
– Why should I get to understand human psychology to get better in a game like League?
The more you get to understand why things happen the more sense it makes. If your teammate starts running the game down or acting in a very childish way for something small like accidentally taking one of his minions or quote on quote his kill is not something a human being with a good mental or physical state or in some cases both would do. Getting mad at him or her would not help you or screaming at him.
This is like going to the grocery store, bumping into someone by accident or because the aisle is small, saying sorry and then screaming back at you ”HEY WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU WANNA FIGHT” and then starting to curse you out.
Do you think that person is well? Of course not, something is off and you are not the reason or at least the main reason why he reacted like that.
Maybe something is wrong for him on that specific day, he might have lost his job, maybe he has been mistreated by someone he loves or his childhood was very rough so he is left with childhood trauma now not being able to deal with his issue or issues and behaving in this certain way.
Of course, there can be so many other reasons but you get the point. This is the same thing with your teammates when they get to act in such a way. When you can get to realize the cause as to why they behave in such a way it is much easier for you to be okay with it, allowing yourself to not be affected and to try and perform your best
Now, there is another thing in the mental/mindset aspect of the game which is learning to deal with uncertainty. This ties back to some extent to what we said before but in the uncertainty aspect of the game, you can include the following things.
Not being able to win every game, you are just 10% of the games that you play in, you will be getting weak-sided or camped without there being much to do about, having teammates who tilt and won’t stop even after kindly asking them to stop, not being able to win every single one of your games, receiving unjustified loses where you were supposed to win but there will be games where you underperformed and still win.
Also, focus on improving and performing better than the last game. Having a growth mindset where you focus on what you can control and influence leaving everything else to the side without allowing external factors to affect your gameplay
If you win or lose, that does not matter to you. If you can magically get from Bronze to Diamond that would be very cool but skill-level wise you are still Bronze, you have not progressed whatsoever this way. Sure you gained LP but nothing else, so what is the point of all those points gained when once you start playing you will get back to where you should be?
Tips and Tricks LOL #2. Keep your champion pool small
– Keeping your champion pool small is very important because you get to pay much less attention to your champion the more familiar you get with him. This frees up a lot of your attention and brain power which then you can look to put into the other aspects of the game.
The more attention you get to free up and the less effort you put into one particular thing the easier everything else starts to become as time goes by. Your brain is becoming less and less occupied.
If you have not figured out the champions that you wanna stick with, look up sites like LOL WIKI for the list of all League of Legends champions categorized by their role. Pick up a few, try them out, stick with the ones that you enjoy and have the most with.
Once that is done search League of Legends Champion Guides and look for guides on the specific champion or champions that you have decided to stick with. I would highly recommend MOBAFIRE for written champion guides and LoLDobby on YouTube for video guides.
The less mechanically intense the champions you pick up are going to be, the faster you will be able to learn them and become good at them.
You can also utilize the free champion pool rotation that Riot Games is offering in the game so you can test out champions without having to buy them with Blue Essence.
Tips and Tricks LOL #3. Learn Wave Management
– Wave management in lol also called wave manipulation or wave tactics is one of the most important concepts in League of Legends. Waves are consistently spawning throughout the game and knowing how to manage them and use them to your advantage is crucial.
They provide 2 out of 3 sources that you can gain an advantage and they are Gold and Experience. The third one is objectives with which they also help to gain access to them. Objectives are turrets, dragons or drakes, rift helard and baron nashor.
By using the waves to create pressure you buy yourself and your team some downtime or free time to do an objective in a much more safe and advantageous way.
It becomes more difficult for the enemy team to make a decision. Do they go for the waves, do they contest the objective or split and do a little bit of both? It is difficult to be put in that spot, right? EXACTLY!
Now about Wave Management in LoL, there are 3 types: Freezing, Slow Pushing and Fast Pushing.
3.1 Freezing
– Freezing is when your wave and the enemy’s wave are sitting at the place for an extended period of time. You can achieve that by letting your wave be at a minion disadvantage, not too much, not too little, resulting in the wave staying at the same place. You trim the wave just enough so it is not too big and not too little so in case you need to pull the wave upwards or simply tank it until your new wave arrives and starts tanking for you.
Here is a video example of creating and maintaining a freeze:
3.2 Slow Pushing
– Slow spushing is when your wave is slowly pushing towards the opposite side of the lane. You can achieve that by creating a small minion advantage resulting in the enemy wave dying at a bit faster pace than yourself.
Here is an example of a wave being slow pushed:
3.3 Fast Pushing
– Fast pushing is quite self-explanatory. This is when a wave is pushing towards the opposite side of the lane in a fast pace. You get to achieve that by actively damaging the wave resulting into a crash once the wave reaches the enemy tower.
Here is an example of a wave being fast pushed:
Tips and Tricks LOL #4. Have better camera control
– Having good camera control is one of the most overlooked and underrated ways to improve your gameplay in League of Legends. Knowing how to move your camera, when to do so and when to use unlocked camera versus locked camera.
In a short but simple summary, you would like to use camera locked when:
There is nothing else to see around the map. If you can see everything that is important to you and gives you valuable information about your next move without unlocking your camera then keep it locked. That would be for example during the early stages of the laning phase. What you need to see 90% of the time during that phase of the game is right in front of you. The waves and your opponent.
Camera unlocked would be useless during a skirmish, let’s say a scuttle fight after the 2 junglers have finished their clears. You see their 2 icons on the minimap and immediately move your camera over there to see if you can move and have enough time to do so.
Another example would be when you are making a rotation from Top to mid for example. You need to see the lane that you are going to, to get the information that you need to decide if the roam is going to be worth it or not.
Another great example would be when there is a team fight happening people are spread out in a wide range of area, resulting in you not being able to see everyone or at least as many people as possible at once if you have your camera locked thus you would like to have it unlocked during the majority of the team fights.
A good general rule about camera locked vs camera unlocked is you want your screen to give you as much information as possible and that information to be relevant and something you care for that will affect your next moves or moves.
Tips and Tricks LOL #5. Be aware of the minimap
Minimap awareness is pretty much directly tied to the camera control that we were talking about above at point number 4. If you do not have good minimap awareness, knowing how to use your camera is going to be pointless and vice versa.
Because both things what they do is give you very important information. You will be missing that information or it will be delayed so you will not be able to make the best decision possible for that specific situation.
Tips and Tricks LOL #6. Stop making things more difficult
– Stop making things more difficult for yourself and overcomplicating stuff. Did you pick a new champion? Good, do not spend time on the runes, items and summoners that you should go for. Use an application like U.GG or POROFESSOR to your advantage.
With their application, you will be able to save a lot of time, energy and make things easier for yourself for the champion that you already play or picked up. No need to worry and put any thought process for those things. You will have all the necessary recommendations based on the stats for that specific champion.
This will allow you to put all that time and energy into other things to help you improve at the game so what are you waiting for? Get the U.GG desktop app or POROFESSOR desktop app and save yourself some hassle.
If you are pushing to improve yourself long-term as a League player this guide is just what you have been looking for. Short, simple and straight to the point. It doesn’t have to be a headache finding a specific direction to move to and more importantly finding a proper one.
All the most important things that someone will need to learn and master before moving up the difficulty level during their League of Legends Climb.
Keep in mind this isn’t a comprehensive list of everything that you need to know, but some of the most important things to start building up on. So what has been the most difficult thing or things that you have experienced with League? I would love to hear about it! Leave a comment below!
Best Wave Management LOL Guide – League of Legends
Wave Management, or Wave Control in LoL, is one of the most important things to know, regardless of whether you play Top lane, Jungle, Mid lane, ADC, or Support. It holds significance across all ranksâfrom Bronze to Gold to Diamond.
The lower your elo, the faster you’ll see results in your gameplay when you properly manage your waves and gain a better understanding of them.
Conversely, in higher ELOs, meticulous attention to detail and subtle improvements are necessary to set yourself apart and climb the ranks.
Let’s delve into what needs learning and the various types of wave management tactics in League of Legends!
Here are the key aspects to understand:
1) How waves function.
2) Different types of wave management tactics.
3) Their advantages and disadvantages.
4) How to effectively employ them.
Why is proper wave control crucial?
1) It provides better lane control, simplifying your gameplay.
2) You influence your opponent’s actions.
3) It forces mistakes.
Mastering this allows you to position yourself advantageously, resulting in higher success rates not just during laning but also in the mid to late game. Starting the mid-game phase with an advantage makes winning easier.
With proper wave management, consistent pressure leads opponents into making mistakes. The knowledge you’re about to gain will help you achieve this. So, let’s begin!
(To determine the appropriate wave tactic based on matchups, refer to matchup guides for your specific champion. Visit MOBAFIRE for well-written champion guides.)
Casters Minions:
Cannon Minions:
Melee Minions:
Super Minions:
The 3 types of Wave Management:
1. Fast Pushing:
1.1 Fast pushing involves actively damaging the wave to push it under your opponent’s tower.
Reasons for fast pushing vary:
– You want to recall due to accumulated gold or to reach a power spike/full item.
– The enemy jungler is nearby, posing a gank threat.
– Your jungler is on the opposite side of the map, and the wave is pushing towards your –opponent.
– You aim to set up a dive on your opponent(s), which requires premeditation and planning.
– Roaming or joining a nearby fight necessitates excellent map awareness and camera control.
– Deny enemy laner minions when they’ve recalled or are missing from the lane.
– Compel your enemy laner to return by suspecting their movements, like heading towards mid-lane due to your mid-laner’s aggressive positioning, leaving them vulnerable to ganks.
1.2 The cons of fast pushing are:
– Offering little to no pressure on your opponent can grant them free Gold/XP, disadvantageous against scaling champions with weak early games, such as Nasus or Kayle.
2. Freezing
Freezing Example:
2.1 Freezing involves allowing your wave to remain slightly disadvantaged, positioned a bit further from your tower:
– When you don’t need to be elsewhere on the map
– To deny minions and pressure opponents, deterring them from engaging due to potential ganks
– Against champions with stronger early games, restricting their ability to trade frequently
– Protection from ganks or setting up ganks when your jungler is nearby
– Creating space for extended trades after your opponent’s mistake
– Enabling short, burst trades and poking opportunities
– Remember, adaptability is key as tactics vary with champions and matchups
– Expect the enemy jungler’s interference if they struggle to break your freeze, potentially pressuring your lane.
2.2 Downsides of freezing include:
– Allowing the enemy laner to roam without timely follow-up
– Duration limits: Top lane freezes last up to levels 9 to 11, mid lane up to levels 7 to 8, and bot lane up to level 6 due to the risk of multiple champions diving under the tower.
For the mid lane, freezing is possible up to levels 7 to 8 because champions possess great long-range wave clear and robust items/stats. With just one rotation of abilities, they can wipe out the entire wave.
– In the bot lane, freezing can be maintained up to level 6. Beyond this point, the risk of being dived under the tower by 3 to 4 champions, all equipped with ultimates, is something best avoided at all costs
– Remember, these guidelines are general, and adaptability is crucial. Tailoring your strategy to suit each game’s specific circumstances is paramount
3. Slow Pushing:
– Slow pushing stands as the most potent among the three wave tactics in League. What defines a slow push? It involves gradually pushing the wave towards your opponent’s side. To achieve this, you need to establish a wave advantage and only last-hit minions right before they die. This strategy offers several advantages:
Slow Pushing Example #1
Slow Pushing Example #2
3.1 Slow Pushing Pros:
– Denying minions from your opponent, as engaging in a fight within a large wave usually results in a loss for them. The same applies when you’re on the receiving end of a slow push. Engaging in fights during large waves or slow pushes is rare, and it’s typically better to avoid them
– Greater potential to outplay a 2v1 gank due to the larger wave, which may also prevent certain abilities that can be blocked, such as Graves’ AAs or Viego’s stun
– Opportunities for diving alongside your jungler, allowing ample time to set up the dive and decrease the likelihood of the target surviving. Usually, when faced with a dive or seeking to prevent it, you’d start clearing minions immediately to prompt the tower to assist as quickly as possible
3.2 After crashing the wave but unable to initiate a dive, you might consider the following:
– A clean recall into the wave slowly pushing towards you, resulting in a freeze or catching the wave right on time, losing minimal to no minions
– Roaming to other lanes, potentially assisting your jungler with rift, drake, scuttle, or even invading the enemy jungle to eliminate the enemy jungler or help secure camps safely
– Placing vision in the enemy jungle, offering vital information about the enemy jungler’s whereabouts or absence. An interesting benefit few know: if you had vision of a missing camp after it was taken down, a stopwatch icon appears on your minimap, signaling that the camp will respawn soon, hinting at the enemy jungler’s imminent return once it respawns
– Establishing river vision to spot the enemy jungler or others like the enemy mid or support moving towards your lane
– Gathering a honey fruit from the river for HP/Mana, aiding in extended stays in lane after an even or unfavourable trade. Honey fruits spawn between 6:00 to 6:20 minutes into the game
– Utilizing the plants in the enemy jungle (Vision plant/Blast cone), denying the enemy team access to these resources and ‘starving’ them out
– Approaching enemy camps (ONLY IF YOU CAN TAKE ON THE ENEMY JUNGLER AND NO OTHER LANERS ARE MISSING), which offers similar advantages as placing vision inside the enemy jungle
– Obtaining the scuttle crab, providing vision for potential roams, a movement speed boost for you and your teammates (useful for potential escapes, faster roams, or chasing enemies along the river)
– Securing the dragon, ensuring proper vision setup if unaware of the majority of the enemy team’s positions
– Claiming the rift herald, facilitating a significant tempo advantage and snowball potential while offering increased vision, especially in mid-lane, where waves will push further into the lane, potentially preventing rotations or providing crucial information about them
– Stealing enemy jungle camps, depriving the enemy jungler of resources and potentially tilting them
– Simply staying out of vision (effective in applying pressure for potential ganks or invades). This becomes notably effective in higher ELOs, where players pay more attention to the minimap and communicate through pings to warn their teammates of missing enemies
– With the item ‘Hullbreaker,’ you empower nearby cannon and super minions for five minutes after taking down an enemy inhibitor
– Minions target according to priority, such as enemy champions attacking allied champions, enemy minions attacking allied champions, and so forth
– Minions become stronger and tougher with the acquisition of the Baron buff
– The table below indicates the average gold per wave at different game times and corresponding average gold per cs
Game time | Average gold per wave | Calculations | Average gold per cs
0:00 | 125G | (3 Ă 21 21) + (3 Ă 14 14) + (60 60 Ă· 3) | 19.8
15:00 | 147G | (3 Ă 21 21) + (3 Ă 14 14) + (84 84 Ă· 2) | 22.6
17:15 | 150G | (3 Ă 21 21) + (3 Ă 14 14) + (90 90 Ă· 2) | 23
25:00 | 195G | (3 Ă 21 21) + (3 Ă 14 14) + (90 90) | 27.6
– Minions that have already targeted a tower won’t assist you during a dive. Instead, they’ll continue attacking the tower
Having excellent wave management can significantly elevate your ranked games and improve your gameplay beyond your current level. Top-tier players achieve remarkable results in various roles and champions because they grasp the intricacies of wave management.
Understanding this topic can be quite complex and necessitates thorough teaching and comprehension. Despite the abundance of educational League of Legends content available, finding something that’s both simple and detailed can be challenging. However, we’re here to change that!
Remember, everything is situational, and adaptability is crucial. With ample practice, starting from the basics and gradually advancing, you can become a master at managing waves.
Except blogs, videos over at Youtube and mentors like in our site offer help to fasten up your progress and join the rest of our satisfied students!
Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the champions you play with and against. Use this guide to delve into wave management, and you’ll witness immediate improvements in your games. (The best YouTube channel to learn about the pros and cons of each champion)
Ensure you practice all the techniques provided here in the practice tool. It’ll enable you to recreate various wave scenarios and become accustomed to them more rapidly.
If you need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below or visit my Twitch channel where I stream live. You can ask me questions there
Watch my Wave Management video here