Most Common Laning Phase Mistakes in League of Legends

The laning phase in League of Legends is crucial, setting the stage for the rest of the game. Here are some of the most common laning phase mistakes players make and how to fix them:

1. Poor CS (Creep Score) Management

  • Mistake: Missing last hits on minions, leading to low gold and experience gain.

  • Solution:

    • Practice: Spend time in custom games focusing solely on last-hitting under different conditions (with no items, with items, under tower).

    • Wave Management: Learn to freeze, slow push, and fast push waves to control the lane position.

    • Itemization: Use starting items that enhance your ability to last hit, like Doran’s Blade or Doran’s Ring.

2. Overextending

  • Mistake: Pushing the lane too far without proper vision, making you vulnerable to ganks.

  • Solution:

    • Ward Placement: Always have wards in key locations like river bushes and enemy jungle entrances.

    • Map Awareness: Regularly check the minimap for missing enemies and jungler positioning.

    • Wave Control: Avoid auto-pushing the wave unless you have vision and are confident in your ability to escape or fight a gank.

3. Poor Trading

  • Mistake: Engaging in unfavorable trades that result in losing more health than the enemy.

  • Solution:

    • Understand Matchups: Know the strengths and weaknesses of both your champion and your lane opponent.

    • Cooldown Tracking: Trade when the enemy’s key abilities are on cooldown.

    • Minion Advantage: Use your minion wave to your advantage; trading when you have more minions can turn the fight in your favor.

4. Ignoring Jungle Pressure

  • Mistake: Not coordinating with your jungler or failing to respect the enemy jungler’s presence.

  • Solution:

    • Communication: Regularly communicate with your jungler about their plans and potential gank opportunities.

    • Jungle Tracking: Keep an eye on the enemy jungler’s likely position based on their last known location and the status of jungle camps.

    • Vision Control: Place deep wards in the enemy jungle to provide advanced warning of incoming ganks.

5. Inadequate Ward Coverage

  • Mistake: Not placing enough wards or placing them in suboptimal locations.

  • Solution:

    • Sweepers and Control Wards: Use Oracle Lens and control wards to deny enemy vision and maintain vision control.

    • Strategic Warding: Place wards in high-traffic areas where the enemy is likely to move through.

    • Regular Ward Checks: Regularly check and refresh your wards to ensure continuous coverage.

6. Not Backing at the Right Time

  • Mistake: Staying in lane with low health or mana, risking death, or losing out on potential buys.

  • Solution:

    • Recall Timing: Recall after shoving a wave into the enemy tower to minimize lost CS and experience.

    • Health and Mana Management: Back when you have enough gold for key items and are low on health or mana.

    • Teleport Management: If you have Teleport, use it strategically to return to lane quickly without missing much.

7. Mismanaging Resources

  • Mistake: Using abilities and summoner spells inefficiently, leaving you vulnerable.

  • Solution:

    • Resource Awareness: Manage your mana and cooldowns carefully, especially if you know a fight or gank is imminent.

    • Efficient Spell Use: Use abilities primarily for last-hitting and trading when it’s safe and efficient.

    • Cooldown Management: Track your summoner spells and abilities’ cooldowns and plan your actions accordingly.

8. Tunnel Vision

  • Mistake: Focusing too much on your lane and missing opportunities or dangers elsewhere.

  • Solution:

    • Map Awareness: Develop the habit of frequently glancing at the minimap to stay informed about the entire game state.

    • Roaming Opportunities: Look for opportunities to roam and assist other lanes, especially if you’ve pushed your wave.

    • Ping System: Use the ping system to communicate with your team about potential threats or opportunities.

9. Not Adapting to Enemy Strategy

  • Mistake: Failing to adjust your playstyle based on the enemy’s actions and items.

  • Solution:

    • Itemization: Build items that counter the enemy’s strengths (e.g., armor against AD champions, magic resist against AP champions).

    • Playstyle Adjustment: If the enemy is playing aggressively, play more defensively and wait for your jungler.

    • Observation: Pay attention to the enemy’s build and playstyle, and adapt accordingly.

10. Greed and Overcommitment

  • Mistake: Chasing kills too aggressively or overcommitting to fights.

  • Solution:

    • Risk Assessment: Always assess the risk versus reward before committing to a fight or chase.

    • Discipline: Practice self-control and patience, waiting for the right moment to engage.

    • Backup Plans: Have an escape plan in mind before diving in, especially if you lack vision.


Improving your laning phase and not doing some of the most common laning phase mistakes involves a combination of mechanical skill, game knowledge, and situational awareness. By addressing these common mistakes and consistently practicing good habits, you can significantly enhance your performance and impact on the game.

Fixing such mistakes can be very difficult by your own so if you want to fasten up the process, don’t hesitate and HIRE A PROFESSIONAL COACH NOW!

Top 10 Most Common Mistakes in League Of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a complex game where players must continuously adapt and improve their skills. Many common mistakes in League of Legends can slow down your progress, especially for new players. This guide will cover some of the most frequent errors and how to avoid them.

1. Poor Map Awareness

Description: Players often fail to consistently check the minimap, leading to missed opportunities and unexpected enemy encounters.

How to Avoid:

  • Develop a Routine: Make it a habit to glance at the minimap every few seconds.
  • Use Pings: Communicate with your team using pings to signal enemy movements, missing champions, or potential danger.
  • Ward Properly: Place wards in key locations to gain vision and information on enemy movements.

2. Overextending

Description: Pushing too far into enemy territory without adequate vision or support, leading to ganks and unnecessary deaths.

How to Avoid:

  • Know When to Push: Assess the situation before pushing a lane. Consider enemy positions and whether you have vision.
  • Retreat After Objective: After taking an objective (like a tower or dragon), fall back instead of continuing to push.
  • Map Awareness: Keep track of enemy locations to avoid surprise ganks.

3. Poor Positioning

Description: Standing in the wrong place during fights, often resulting in getting caught or taking unnecessary damage.

How to Avoid:

  • Understand Your Role: Each champion has a different optimal positioning in fights. For example, ADCs should stay at the backline, while tanks should be at the frontline.
  • Stay Safe: In team fights, stay behind your tanks and avoid straying too far from your team.
  • Use Terrain: Utilize bushes and terrain to your advantage to avoid being caught out.

4. Bad Farming and CS (Creep Score)

Description: Missing last hits on minions, leading to lower gold and experience compared to your opponents.

How to Avoid:

  • Practice Last Hitting: Spend time in custom games focusing solely on last hitting to improve your accuracy.
  • Understand Wave Management: Learn how to manipulate minion waves to freeze, slow push, or fast push.
  • Balance Harassment and Farming: In lane, balance between harassing your opponent and securing CS.

5. Poor Objective Control

Description: Ignoring important objectives like dragons, Baron Nashor, and towers.

How to Avoid:

  • Prioritize Objectives: Always aim to secure dragons, Baron, and towers when it is safe to do so.
  • Coordinate with Your Team: Use pings and communicate through chat to organize objective attempts.
  • Track Timers: Keep track of respawn timers for objectives and be prepared to contest or secure them.

6. Lack of Adaptation

Description: Sticking to the same strategies and builds regardless of the situation or the enemy team composition.

How to Avoid:

  • Flexible Builds: Adapt your item builds based on the enemy team’s composition and the state of the game.
  • Change Playstyle: Adjust your playstyle depending on your champion’s strengths, the enemy’s weaknesses, and the overall game state.
  • Learn Multiple Champions: Be proficient with multiple champions to adapt to different team compositions and roles.

7. Poor Team Communication

Description: Failing to effectively communicate with teammates, leading to miscoordination and mistakes.

How to Avoid:

  • Use Pings Effectively: Communicate intentions, danger, and objectives using the ping system.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and avoid toxic behavior, which can demoralize your team.
  • Give Constructive Feedback: Provide helpful and constructive feedback instead of criticism.

8. Overcommitting to Fights

Description: Engaging in fights when it’s not favorable, resulting in lost team fights and objectives.

How to Avoid:

  • Assess the Situation: Evaluate if the fight is worth taking based on numbers, positioning, and cooldowns.
  • Know When to Disengage: Recognize when a fight is lost and retreat to avoid further casualties.
  • Wait for Cooldowns: Ensure key abilities and summoner spells are available before engaging in crucial fights.

9. Ignoring Matchups

Description: Not understanding how your champion matches up against your lane opponent, leading to unfavorable trades and deaths.

How to Avoid:

  • Research Matchups: Study how your champion fares against common lane opponents.
  • Play Safely: If you’re in a disadvantageous matchup, focus on farming and avoiding risky trades.
  • Adjust Your Strategy: Adapt your strategy based on the strengths and weaknesses of both your champion and your opponent.

10. Tunnel Vision

Description: Focusing too much on one aspect of the game, such as fighting or farming, and neglecting other important elements.

How to Avoid:

  • Balance Your Focus: Pay attention to all aspects of the game, including farming, objectives, vision, and positioning.
  • Set Priorities: Understand the current game state and prioritize accordingly, such as focusing on objectives over kills.
  • Stay Aware: Continuously assess the overall game situation and adjust your actions accordingly.

Improving in League of Legends requires time, practice, and learning from mistakes. By avoiding these common errors and implementing the suggested strategies, you can enhance your gameplay and contribute more effectively to your team’s success.

Last but not least, it can very often be difficult to improve my yourself and fix your mistakes in League of legends so a very good alternative that you should consider is hiring a professional League of Legends coach.


Starting on your journey through the mid lane as a beginner, you’ll need the right champion to guide you through and lead you to victory.

As a beginner on mid lane, selecting the right mid lane champion can make all the difference in your learning curve and success on the Rift.

In this guide, we’ll explore some beginner-friendly mid lane champions that offer a balance of power, versatility, and ease of play, empowering you to dominate the rift from the very start.

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  1. Annie – The Dark Child:

    – Annie is a quintessential beginner-friendly mid lane champion, renowned for her simplicity and devastating burst damage.

    – Her Q ability, “Disintegrate,” allows her to last-hit minions with ease while also refunding its mana cost upon killing the target.

    – With her passive, “Pyromania,” Annie can stun enemies after casting four abilities, setting up powerful engages or disengages for her team.

    – Her ultimate, “Summon: Tibbers,” summons a giant bear that deals area-of-effect damage and stuns enemies in its vicinity, turning team fights in her favor.

    2. Lux – The Lady of Luminosity:

    – Lux combines long-range poke, crowd control, and burst damage, making her a versatile pick for beginners.

    – Her abilities, “Light Binding” and “Lucent Singularity,” allow her to harass enemies from a safe distance while also providing vision and zone control.

    – Lux’s ultimate, “Final Spark,” is a high-damage laser beam that can snipe low-health enemies across the map, securing kills and turning the tide of battles.

    – With her shield, “Prismatic Barrier,” Lux can protect herself and her teammates from incoming damage, providing utility and survivability in team fights.

    3. Veigar – The Tiny Master of Evil:

    – Veigar thrives on scaling into the late game, boasting immense burst damage potential and the ability to delete high-priority targets.

    – His passive, “Phenomenal Evil Power,” grants him bonus ability power based on the amount of enemy champions hit by his abilities, allowing him to snowball in strength.

    – Veigar’s Q ability, “Baleful Strike,” not only deals damage but also permanently increases his ability power upon killing a unit with it, incentivizing good last-hitting skills.

    – With his ultimate, “Primordial Burst,” Veigar can single-handedly erase squishy targets from existence, making him a formidable threat in team fights.

    4. Ahri – The Nine-Tailed Fox:

    – Ahri combines mobility, burst damage, and crowd control, making her a well-rounded pick for beginners seeking versatility.

    – Her Q ability, “Orb of Deception,” allows her to poke enemies from a distance while also granting her sustain through its healing mechanic.

    – Ahri’s ultimate, “Spirit Rush,” grants her unparalleled mobility, allowing her to dash multiple times and reposition in team fights or escape sticky situations.

    – With her charm ability, “Charm,” Ahri can CC enemies, setting up opportunities for her team to secure kills or engage in favorable trades.

    5. Malzahar – The Prophet of the Void:

    – Malzahar excels at pushing waves, controlling objectives, and locking down high-priority targets with his crowd control and damage-over-time abilities.

    – His E ability, “Malefic Visions,” allows him to spread damage to multiple targets while also replenishing his mana upon killing afflicted units.

    – Malzahar’s ultimate, “Nether Grasp,” suppresses a single target for a significant duration, making it a potent tool for locking down enemy carries or disrupting enemy engages.

    – With his passive, “Void Shift,” Malzahar gains a shield when out of combat, providing him with additional survivability in lane and team fights.


As you venture forth into the mid lane battlegrounds, remember that mastery comes with practice, patience, and perseverance. Experiment with different champions, hone your skills, and embrace the thrill of the mid lane skirmishes. With dedication and determination, you’ll soon find yourself rising through the ranks and asserting your dominance as a formidable mid lane champion.

Top Lane Beginner’s Guide: Dominate Top in League of Legends

Are you ready to rise to the challenge and conquer the top lane in League of Legends? Welcome to our comprehensive top lane beginner’s guide, where we’ll equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to dominate top lane.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the intricacies of the top lane, exploring everything from champion selection to advanced laning tactics. Whether you’re a newcomer to the game or a seasoned player looking to sharpen your skills, our guide has something for everyone.

Join us as we explore simple yet powerful champions, understand the roles they play, and uncover the secrets to mastering the top lane. From effective minion wave management to decisive teamfighting, we’ll cover it all, empowering you to take control of the battlefield and lead your team to victory.

So, summoners, prepare yourselves for an epic journey through the top lane. With our expert tips and strategies by your side, you’ll soon be dominating your opponents and climbing the ranks in no time. Let’s dive in and unleash your full potential on the Rift!

Understanding Top Lane

1. Role of Top Lane:

  • Isolation and Independence: Unlike other lanes, the top lane often operates in relative isolation from the rest of the map, especially in the early game. This independence means that top laners must rely on their own laning skills, decision-making, and map awareness to succeed.

  • Solo Lane Dynamics: Top lane is typically a 1v1 lane, although it can sometimes become a 2v2 or even a 1v2 lane if the enemy jungler decides to gank. This dynamic requires top laners to have strong dueling capabilities and the ability to handle both 1v1 and 2v1 scenarios.

  • Split Pushing and Map Pressure: Top laners often excel at split pushing, which involves pushing minion waves into enemy territory to create map pressure and force the enemy team to respond. This can open up opportunities for your team to secure objectives elsewhere on the map.

2. Objective:

  • Control and Influence: Controlling the top side of the map is crucial for securing objectives like Rift Herald, Dragon, and Baron Nashor. Top laners must have good map awareness to rotate and assist their team when these objectives are contested.

  • Tower Destruction: Destroying the enemy top lane turret is a significant objective, as it opens up the map and allows your team to exert more pressure on the top side. Conversely, defending your own turret is equally important to prevent the enemy team from gaining an advantage.

  • Teleport Plays: Top laners often take the Teleport summoner spell to make cross-map plays and assist their team in teamfights or skirmishes. Proper Teleport usage can swing the momentum of a game in your team’s favor.

3. Champion Diversity:

lol tank icon lol league of legends
  • Tanks: Tanky champions excel at soaking up damage and initiating teamfights. They provide frontline presence and crowd control, making them essential for team compositions focused on teamfighting and objective control.
fighter lol league of legends icon fighter icon
  • Bruisers/Fighters: Bruisers combine damage and durability, allowing them to both deal damage and survive in extended fights. They often excel in dueling and split pushing, making them strong picks for players who enjoy a more aggressive playstyle.
mage lol league of legends icon mage icon
  • Mages: While less common in the top lane, mages can still be viable picks. They offer ranged poke, crowd control, and magic damage, providing a different dynamic to the lane and allowing for diverse team compositions.

Choosing Your Champion

1. Understanding Your Playstyle:

  • Aggressive vs. Defensive: Determine whether you prefer playing aggressively, looking for kills and trades, or if you prefer a more defensive playstyle, focusing on farming and surviving laning phase.

  • Mechanical Skill: Consider your mechanical skill level. Some champions require precise mechanics to maximize their effectiveness, while others are more forgiving for beginners.

  • Preferred Role in Teamfights: Think about your preferred role in teamfights. Do you enjoy initiating fights as a tank, diving onto the enemy backline as a bruiser, or dealing damage from a distance as a mage?

2. Simple Champions for Beginners:

2.1 Garen:

garen lol garen icon league of legends
  • Simple Mechanics: Garen is renowned for his straightforward mechanics, making him an ideal champion for beginners to pick up. His abilities are easy to understand and use effectively, allowing new players to focus on learning the fundamentals of the game.

  • Sustain and Durability: Garen’s passive ability, Perseverance, grants him passive health regeneration when he hasn’t taken damage recently, providing sustain in lane. Additionally, his W ability, Courage, provides bonus resistances, further increasing his durability.

  • Damage and Execution: Garen’s kit revolves around dealing damage and executing low-health targets with his ultimate ability, Demacian Justice. His Q ability, Decisive Strike, empowers his next basic attack to deal bonus damage and silence the target, while his E ability, Judgment, spins his sword around him, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

  • No Resource Management: One of the advantages of playing Garen is that he doesn’t rely on mana or energy for his abilities. This means that beginners can focus on using their abilities effectively without worrying about resource management.

2.2 Darius:

darius lol darius icon league of legends
  • Lane Dominance: Darius is known for his strong laning phase and dueling potential, making him a formidable opponent in the top lane. His abilities allow him to trade effectively with opponents and come out ahead in most matchups.

  • Simple Combo: Darius’s kit revolves around applying stacks of Hemorrhage with his basic attacks and abilities and then triggering them with his ultimate ability, Noxian Guillotine, for massive damage. This straightforward combo is easy for beginners to understand and execute.

  • Sustain and Crowd Control: Darius’s Q ability, Decimate, provides him with sustain by healing him for a percentage of his missing health when he hits enemies with the blade. Additionally, his E ability, Apprehend, pulls enemies towards him, allowing him to set up kills or escape ganks.

  • Snowball Potential: Darius has significant snowball potential, meaning that if he gets ahead in lane, he can quickly become an unstoppable force. This makes him a rewarding champion for beginners who can capitalize on early advantages.

2.3 Malphite:

malphite lol malphite icon league of legends
  • Tankiness and Crowd Control: Malphite is a tanky champion with a simple yet effective kit. His abilities provide him with durability and crowd control, making him a valuable frontline tank for his team.

  • Armor Scaling: Malphite’s passive ability, Granite Shield, grants him a shield that absorbs a percentage of his maximum health’s damage every few seconds, providing him with extra tankiness in fights. Additionally, his W ability, Ground Slam, passively increases his armor, making him even harder to kill.

  • Engage Potential: Malphite’s ultimate ability, Unstoppable Force, allows him to engage fights from long range by dashing to a target location and knocking up enemies in the area. This makes him a potent initiator and playmaker for his team.

  • Teamfight Impact: Malphite excels in teamfights, where his crowd control and durability can turn the tide of battle in his team’s favor. Beginners can focus on positioning themselves correctly and using their abilities to disrupt the enemy team.

2.4 Nasus:

nasus lol nasus icon league of legends

  • Stacking Mechanic: Nasus is known for his unique stacking mechanic, where he gains permanent bonus damage on his Q ability, Siphoning Strike, by last-hitting minions with it. This straightforward mechanic incentivizes good farming habits and rewards players for focusing on last hitting.

  • Sustain and Tankiness: Nasus has built-in sustain with his passive ability, Soul Eater, which heals him for a percentage of the damage dealt by Siphoning Strike. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Fury of the Sands, increases his size, health, and provides area-of-effect damage, making him tankier in teamfights.

  • Scaling Power: Nasus scales well into the late game, becoming a formidable split-pusher and frontline tank. Beginners can focus on farming stacks with Siphoning Strike and playing safe in the early game to reach their power spikes later on.

2.5 Cho’Gath:

cho gath lol chogath icon league of legends
  • Simple Abilities: Cho’Gath has straightforward abilities that are easy for beginners to understand and use effectively. His Q ability, Rupture, creates a line of spikes that knock up enemies in the area, while his W ability, Feral Scream, silences them. His ultimate ability, Feast, deals true damage to a single target and grants him additional health upon killing an enemy unit, including champions.

  • Sustain and Tankiness: Cho’Gath’s passive ability, Carnivore, restores health and mana whenever he kills an enemy unit, providing sustain in lane. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Feast, allows him to gain stacks of Feast, permanently increasing his health and making him tankier as the game progresses.

  • Crowd Control: Cho’Gath brings significant crowd control to teamfights with his knock-up and silence abilities, making him a valuable asset to his team. Beginners can focus on landing skillshots and disrupting the enemy team with their crowd control abilities.

2.6 Mundo:

mundo lol DR MUNDO icon league of legends

  • Simple Kit: Dr. Mundo has a simple kit focused on durability and sustain. His abilities are straightforward to use, making him an excellent choice for beginners. His Q ability, Infected Cleaver, is a skillshot that slows enemies and deals magic damage, while his E ability, Masochism, empowers his next basic attack to deal bonus damage based on his maximum health.

  • Sustain and Tankiness: Mundo’s passive ability, Goes Where He Pleases, grants him increased health regeneration based on his missing health, allowing him to stay in lane longer and sustain through poke. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Sadism, increases his health regeneration and movement speed for a short duration, making him incredibly tanky in fights.

  • Simple Gameplay: Mundo’s straightforward gameplay revolves around soaking up damage in fights and disrupting the enemy team with his crowd control abilities. Beginners can focus on positioning themselves correctly and using their abilities to absorb damage for their team.

3. Understanding Roles:

3.1 Tanks

  • Role: Tanks are durable champions whose primary role is to soak up damage and initiate teamfights. They often serve as the frontline for their team, absorbing enemy abilities and protecting their carries.

  • Characteristics: Tanks have high base stats, particularly health and resistances, which allow them to withstand significant amounts of damage. They typically have crowd control abilities, such as stuns, slows, or knock-ups, that enable them to disrupt the enemy team and peel for their carries.

  • Example Champions: Malphite, Maokai, Ornn, Sion

  • Playstyle: Tanks excel at engaging fights and absorbing damage for their team. In teamfights, they should position themselves between their carries and the enemy team, using their crowd control abilities to disrupt the enemy’s positioning and protect their allies.

3.2 Bruisers/Fighters:

  • Role: Bruisers, also known as fighters, are melee champions with a balance of damage and durability. They excel in extended fights and have the potential to deal significant damage while surviving in the frontline.

  • Characteristics: Bruisers typically have a mix of offensive and defensive abilities, allowing them to trade effectively in lane and dive onto priority targets in teamfights. They often build a combination of offensive and defensive items to maximize their effectiveness.

  • Example Champions: Jax, Renekton, Darius, Fiora

  • Playstyle: Bruisers thrive in skirmishes and small-scale fights where they can utilize their dueling potential. In lane, they should look for opportunities to trade with their opponents and punish mistakes. In teamfights, they should prioritize diving onto enemy carries and disrupting the backline.

3.2 Mages:

  • Role: Mages are ranged champions who deal magic damage primarily through their abilities. While less common in the top lane, some mages can be played effectively in this role, offering ranged poke and crowd control.

  • Characteristics: Mages have high burst or sustained damage potential but are often more vulnerable to assassination due to their low base stats and lack of mobility. They rely on landing skillshots and timing their abilities effectively to maximize their damage output.

  • Example Champions: Vladimir, Swain, Rumble (occasionally played in the top lane)

  • Playstyle: Mages should focus on harassing their opponents with ranged abilities and zoning them away from minions. They should play cautiously in the early game, as they are often susceptible to ganks. In teamfights, they should position themselves carefully to deal damage from a safe distance and use their crowd control abilities to control the battlefield.

Mastering Your Champion

1. Learn Your Champion’s Abilities:

  • Ability Mechanics: Understand the mechanics of each of your champion’s abilities. Know their damage output, cooldowns, range, and any additional effects they may have.

  • Synergy and Combos: Experiment with different ability combinations to maximize your champion’s effectiveness. Learn which combos are most efficient for trading in lane or securing kills in teamfights.

  • Passive Abilities: Pay attention to your champion’s passive abilities. These often provide unique benefits or play a significant role in their playstyle and can be crucial in maximizing your champion’s potential.

2. Master Last Hitting:

  • Farming Efficiency: Practice last hitting minions to farm gold efficiently. Last hitting involves dealing the killing blow to minions to secure gold and experience. Improving your last hitting skills will help you maintain a gold lead over your opponent and scale into the late game.

  • Understand Wave Management: Learn how to manipulate minion waves to your advantage. This includes freezing waves near your tower to deny farm to your opponent, slow pushing waves to create pressure, or fast pushing waves to roam or take objectives.

3. Develop Map Awareness:

  • Minimap Awareness: Keep an eye on the minimap at all times to track the movements of enemy champions and the jungler. This will help you avoid ganks and make informed decisions about when to push, roam, or play defensively.

  • Warding: Place wards in key locations, such as river entrances and the enemy jungle, to gain vision and prevent ganks. Warding allows you to play more aggressively when you have vision of the enemy team and provides valuable information to your team.

4. Trading and Positioning:

lol trading league of legends trading how to trade
  • Trading Stance: Learn when to trade with your opponent in lane. Position yourself aggressively when your abilities are off cooldown and your opponent is out of position, but be ready to disengage if the trade turns against you.

  • Proper Positioning: Position yourself properly in lane to avoid unnecessary damage from your opponent and enemy minions. Pay attention to your minion wave and use it as a buffer to minimize damage taken while trading.

5. Adapt Your Build:

items lol itemization league of legends
  • Itemization: Adapt your item build according to the matchup, enemy team composition, and how the game is progressing. Build defensively if you’re behind or facing a difficult matchup, and prioritize damage or utility items if you’re ahead.

  • Core Items: Identify your champion’s core items, which are essential for maximizing their effectiveness. Rush these items in most games to spike in power and gain an advantage over your opponent.

6. Practice and Review:

practice tool lol league of legends practice tool
  • Practice Tool: Use the Practice Tool to practice mechanics, combos, and last hitting in a controlled environment. This will help you refine your skills and become more comfortable with your champion’s abilities.

  • Review Replays: Watch replays of your games to analyze your performance and identify areas for improvement. Pay attention to mistakes you made, such as mispositioning, missed opportunities, or inefficient trades, and work on correcting them in future games.

7. Stay Positive and Patient:

  • Positive Mindset: Stay positive and maintain a growth mindset. Accept that improvement takes time and that you will inevitably make mistakes along the way. Focus on learning from your experiences and steadily improving your skills.

  • Persistence: Don’t get discouraged by losses or setbacks. Instead, use them as learning opportunities to identify areas for improvement and continue refining your gameplay.

General Tips

1. Laning Phase:

  • Minion Wave Management: Learn how to manipulate minion waves to your advantage. You can freeze the wave near your tower to deny farm to your opponent or push it to their tower to create pressure and roam opportunities.

  • Trading Stance: Practice positioning yourself aggressively when your abilities are off cooldown and your opponent is out of position. Look for opportunities to trade damage effectively while minimizing retaliation.

  • Vision Control: Ward key areas of the map, such as river entrances and tri-brushes, to avoid ganks from the enemy jungler. Keeping vision of the river can also help you spot potential opportunities for Teleport plays.

2. Map Awareness:

  • Minimap Awareness: Glance at the minimap frequently to keep track of enemy movements and potential threats. Pay attention to missing enemies, particularly the enemy jungler, and adjust your positioning accordingly.

  • Teleport Plays: Keep an eye on the map for opportunities to use Teleport to assist your team in skirmishes, ganks, or objective contests. Communicate with your team to coordinate Teleport plays effectively.

3. Teamfighting:

  • Positioning: Position yourself properly in teamfights to maximize your impact. As a frontline tank, position yourself between your carries and the enemy team to absorb damage and provide peel. As a bruiser or mage, look for opportunities to dive onto priority targets or deal damage from a safe distance.

  • Target Selection: Prioritize targeting high-value targets such as enemy carries or squishy champions. Use your crowd control and damage abilities to disrupt the enemy team’s positioning and secure kills.

4. Objective Control:

  • Rift Herald and Dragon: Coordinate with your team to secure Rift Herald and Dragon objectives. These objectives provide significant benefits to your team and can swing the momentum of the game in your favor.

  • Tower Destruction: Focus on taking down enemy towers to open up the map and create pressure in other lanes. Destroying towers provides gold for your team and allows you to exert more control over the map.

5. Adaptation and Flexibility:

  • Adapt Your Build: Adjust your item build according to the matchup, enemy team composition, and how the game is progressing. Build defensively if you’re behind or facing a difficult matchup, and prioritize damage or utility items if you’re ahead.

  • Flexibility in Playstyle: Be flexible in your playstyle and adapt to the needs of your team. Sometimes, you may need to play aggressively to create pressure, while other times, you may need to play defensively to protect your carries.

6. Communication:

  • Pings and Chat: Use pings and chat to communicate with your team about enemy movements, objectives, and potential plays. Effective communication can help coordinate your team and lead to better decision-making.

  • Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive attitude and encourage your teammates, even in challenging situations. A positive mindset can help keep morale high and improve team cohesion.


As we conclude our journey through the intricacies of the top lane in League of Legends, we hope you feel empowered and inspired to take your gameplay to new heights. Armed with the knowledge and strategies shared in this guide, you’re well-equipped to face any challenge that comes your way on the Summoner’s Rift.

Remember, mastery of the top lane is a journey, not a destination. Continuously hone your skills, adapt to the ever-changing meta, and never stop learning from your experiences on the battlefield.

Whether you’re dominating as a tank, bruiser, or mage, always prioritize teamwork, communication, and a positive mindset. By embodying these values and applying the techniques outlined in this guide, you’ll pave the way to victory for yourself and your team.

So, fellow summoners, go forth with confidence, courage, and determination. Unleash your full potential, seize control of the top lane, and leave your mark on the world of League of Legends. The Rift awaits your conquest—may your journey be filled with epic triumphs and unforgettable moments.

Until next time, may your lanes be strong, your plays be decisive, and your victories be legendary. See you on the Rift!

Keep soaring, keep dominating, and keep climbing!

Warm regards, ForgivenBlade’s Team


Countering Irelia requires a mix of understanding her strengths and weaknesses, as well as utilizing effective strategies both in lane and during team fights. Here’s a detailed guide on how to counter Irelia:

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Understanding Irelia in-depth involves dissecting her kit, analyzing her strengths and weaknesses, and recognizing her playstyle patterns. Here’s an expanded breakdown:

1. Abilities:

1.1 Ionian Fervor (Passive):

irelia passive icon irelia icon
  • Irelia gains increased attack speed based on the number of enemies nearby. This allows her to duel effectively in skirmishes and team fights.

  • It also encourages Irelia players to engage multiple targets to maximize her passive benefits.

1.2 Bladesurge (Q):

irelia q icon
  • Irelia dashes to a target, dealing physical damage. If the target is marked or dies to Bladesurge, its cooldown refreshes partially.

  • This ability provides Irelia with significant mobility and can be used both for engaging onto enemies and escaping unfavorable situations.

1.3 Defiant Dance (W):

irelia W icon
  • Passively, this ability grants Irelia bonus magic damage on-hit based on her attack damage. When activated, Irelia reduces incoming physical damage and, upon full charge, deals magic damage in an area around her based on damage taken while channeling.

  • This ability allows Irelia to mitigate damage and trade effectively in extended fights, especially against physical damage champions.

1.4 Flawless Duet (E):

Irelia E icon
  • Irelia sends out two blades that converge, damaging and stunning enemies caught in between. Hitting an enemy with both blades grants additional damage and a longer stun duration.

  • Flawless Duet is a crucial ability for Irelia’s trading and all-in potential, as it sets up her combo and allows her to stick to her target.

1.5 Vanguard’s Edge (R):

irelia r icon
  • Irelia throws her ultimate in a line, dealing magic damage and marking enemy champions hit. If the blades pass through terrain, they form a wall that slows enemies that pass through it.

  • Upon completion of the cast or hitting an enemy champion, Irelia gains increased movement speed for a short duration.

  • Vanguard’s Edge is Irelia’s primary team fighting tool, providing both damage and crowd control to control the battlefield.

2. Strengths:

2.1 Mobility and Stickiness: Irelia’s kit offers her high mobility with her Q resets and the ability to stick to targets with her E stun.

2.2 Mixed Damage: She deals a combination of physical and magic damage, making it difficult for opponents to itemize against her effectively.

2.3 Dueling Potential: With her passive and sustained damage from Q resets, Irelia excels in extended trades and duels, especially against champions with limited crowd control or burst damage.

3. Weaknesses:

3.1 Vulnerability to Crowd Control: Irelia is susceptible to crowd control effects, which can disrupt her combo and prevent her from sticking to targets.

3.2 High Skill Ceiling: Irelia’s kit requires precise timing and execution to maximize her effectiveness, making her more challenging to master compared to some other champions.

3.3 Reliance on Resets: Irelia heavily relies on landing her Q to reset its cooldown and maintain mobility in fights. Missing Qs can significantly impact her ability to stick to targets or escape.

4. Playstyle Patterns:

4.1 Trading Patterns: Irelia players often look to land E stun into Q for burst damage, utilizing her Q resets for extended trades.

4.2 All-In Potential: At level 6, Irelia gains a significant power spike with her ultimate, which can turn the tide of fights, especially when combined with her other abilities.

4.3 Roaming and Split Pushing: Irelia can be a potent split pusher due to her mobility and dueling potential. Understanding when she’s likely to roam or split push can help predict her movements and counteract them.

By thoroughly understanding Irelia’s abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and typical playstyle patterns, you can better anticipate her actions and formulate strategies to counter her effectively in lane and team fights.

5. Strategies to Counter Irelia:

5.1 Early Lane Dominance:

  • Trade Wisely: Irelia’s power spikes at level 2 and level 6, but she can still be vulnerable before then. Look for opportunities to trade when her abilities are on cooldown or when she misuses them.

  • Exploit Cooldowns: Punish her whenever she misses her E (Flawless Duet) or uses her Q (Bladesurge) to farm, as these are her primary trading tools.

  • Freeze the Wave: By keeping the minion wave close to your tower, you limit Irelia’s ability to engage on you without risking overextension. This also exposes her to ganks from your jungler.

5.2 Itemization:

tabis ninja tabis lol items Seeker's Armguard lol league of legends brumble vest lol league of legends items
  • Ninja Tabi: These boots reduce basic attack damage, which is significant against Irelia, who relies heavily on auto-attacks for damage.

  • Seeker’s Armguard (AP champions): Provides armor and can be built into Zhonya’s Hourglass later, mitigating Irelia’s burst damage potential.

  • Bramble Vest: Effective against Irelia’s sustain from her passive and itemization like Blade of the Ruined King, reducing her ability to trade effectively.

5.3 Wave Management:

wave lol guide wave management lol league of legends wave control guide wave guide wave management guide guide
  • Control the Wave: Avoid pushing the wave too hard early on, as this exposes you to ganks and makes it easier for Irelia to engage on you. Instead, try to freeze the wave near your tower.

  • Call for Jungler Assistance: If you’re struggling in lane, ask your jungler for help. Irelia can be susceptible to ganks, especially if she’s pushed up without vision.

5.4 Positioning in Team Fights:

  • Spread Out: Irelia excels in fights with multiple targets due to her passive. By staying spread out, you reduce the effectiveness of her passive and ultimate (Vanguard’s Edge).

  • Focus on CC: Crowd control effects can disrupt Irelia’s mobility and make it easier to burst her down. Coordinate with your team to chain CC and focus her in team fights.

5.4 Vision Control:

  • Warding: Place wards in key locations to track Irelia’s movements and prevent her from roaming or flanking. Deep wards in the enemy jungle can also provide valuable information about her whereabouts.

  • Clear Vision: Deny vision around objectives like Dragon and Baron to limit Irelia’s opportunities to flank or engage in team fights.
lol vision ward stealth ward icon league of legends

5.5 Team Composition:

  • CC and Peel: Draft champions with strong crowd control and peel to neutralize Irelia in team fights. Champions like Nautilus, Leona, or Lulu can help lock her down or keep her away from priority targets.

  • Kiting and Disengage: Champions with abilities to kite effectively or disengage from fights can make it difficult for Irelia to engage and stick to targets. Champions like Janna, Ezreal, or Ashe can excel in this regard.

5.6 Adaptation and Communication:

  • Adapt to Irelia’s Build: Keep track of Irelia’s itemization and adjust your build accordingly. If she’s building defensively, consider focusing on objectives or looking for plays elsewhere on the map.

  • Communicate with Your Team: Effective communication is key to countering Irelia. Coordinate with your team to capitalize on opportunities, respond to Irelia’s movements, and secure objectives.

By implementing these strategies and adapting your gameplay accordingly, you can effectively counter Irelia and minimize her impact on the game. Understanding her strengths and weaknesses is crucial, but it’s equally important to execute these strategies effectively as a team.

6. Counter Picks:

6.1 Tanks and Bruisers:

malphite icon garen icon maokai icon lol league of legends
  • Malphite: Malphite’s high armor and his Ground Slam (E) ability, which reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies, make him a solid pick against Irelia. His ultimate, Unstoppable Force, provides a powerful engage tool to lock down Irelia in team fights.

  • Maokai: Maokai’s sustain, crowd control, and innate tankiness make him a strong pick against Irelia. His Twisted Advance (W) can be used to root Irelia in place, disrupting her engages, while his ultimate, Nature’s Grasp, provides additional crowd control and zoning potential in team fights.

  • Garen: Garen’s tankiness and sustain from his passive, Perseverance, allow him to withstand Irelia’s damage in lane. His silence from Decisive Strike (Q) can interrupt Irelia’s combo, while his ultimate, Demacian Justice, provides a finishing blow against low-health targets.

6.2 Range and Poke Champions:

gnar icon vladimir icon vlad icon jayce icon lol
  • Jayce: Jayce’s ranged poke and ability to switch between melee and ranged forms make him a strong pick against Irelia. He can harass Irelia from a distance with Shock Blast (Q) and Acceleration Gate (E), while his Hammer Stance (E) provides disengage tools to keep Irelia at bay.

  • Gnar: Gnar’s ranged poke and kiting abilities make him a formidable opponent for Irelia. He can harass Irelia with Boomerang Throw (Q) and Boulder Toss (Mega Gnar Q) while using his mobility and crowd control in Mini Gnar form to kite Irelia and avoid extended trades.

  • Vladimir: Vladimir’s sustain, ranged poke, and ability to pool to avoid Irelia’s engages make him a strong pick in this matchup. He can harass Irelia with Transfusion (Q) while sustaining through her damage with his passive, Crimson Rush, and Tides of Blood (E).

6.3 Control Mages:

orianna icon anivia icon syndra icon lol
  • Orianna: Orianna’s range, poke, and crowd control make her a strong pick against Irelia. She can harass Irelia with Command: Attack (Q) and Command: Dissonance (W) while using Command: Shockwave (R) to disrupt her engages and turn team fights in her team’s favor.

  • Syndra: Syndra’s long-range poke and burst damage make her a potent threat to Irelia. She can harass Irelia with Dark Sphere (Q) and Scatter the Weak (E) while using Unleashed Power (R) to burst her down in team fights.

  • Anivia: Anivia’s wave clear, crowd control, and zoning potential make her a strong pick against Irelia. She can harass Irelia with Flash Frost (Q) and Frostbite (E) while using Crystallize (W) and Glacial Storm (R) to control the battlefield and prevent Irelia from engaging on her team.

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Choosing the right champion to counter Irelia involves considering factors such as lane matchups, team compositions, and individual playstyles. Tanks and bruisers with crowd control, ranged and poke champions with kiting abilities, and control mages with zoning potential can all effectively neutralize Irelia’s threats and contribute to their team’s success. Ultimately, it’s essential to play to your champion’s strengths and capitalize on Irelia’s weaknesses to secure victory in lane and team fights.

A Guide to Reworked Skarner in League of Legends


Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard, has long been a stalwart presence on the Fields of Justice. However, with the recent rework, he has emerged with a refreshed kit and renewed potential to dominate the game. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the reworked Skarner, exploring his abilities, optimal build paths, gameplay strategies, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned Skarner main or a newcomer looking to harness the power of the Crystal Scarab, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to thrive on the Summoner’s Rift.

skarner season 14 skarner s14 skarner guide lol skarner wallpaper

Understanding Skarner’s Abilities:

Before diving into gameplay strategies, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with Skarner’s revamped abilities:

skarner 2024 skarner season 14 skarner passive
Passive – Crystal Spires: Crystal Spires periodically spawn in the jungle and around objectives. When controlled by Skarner’s team, they grant bonus stats and empower his abilities.

Q – Crystal Slash: Skarner lashes out with his claws, dealing damage to all nearby enemies. If cast while standing on a Crystal Spire, Crystal Slash gains bonus damage and attack speed.

skarner 2024 skarner season 14 skarner W
W – Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner gains a shield and increased movement speed for a short duration. When cast on a Crystal Spire, the shield is increased and grants bonus attack speed.

skarner 2024 skarner season 14 skarner E
E – Fracture: Skarner launches a projectile that damages and slows the first enemy hit. If the projectile passes through a Crystal Spire, it explodes upon hitting an enemy, dealing bonus damage and stunning them.

skarner 2024 skarner season 14 skarner R lol skarner lol
R – Impale: Skarner impales an enemy champion with his stinger, suppressing and dragging them towards his location. If cast while standing on a Crystal Spire, Impale’s cooldown is significantly reduced.

Optimal Build Paths:

When building Skarner, prioritizing items that enhance his durability, crowd control, and damage output is key. Here’s a suggested build path:

refillable potions lol mosstomper seedling jungle items
1. Starter Items: Begin with Mosstomper Seedling and Refillable Potion for sustain in the jungle.

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iceborn gaunlet sunfire cape
2. Core Items: Build Sunfire Cape and Iceborn for increased tankiness and target access. Follow up with Plated Steelcaps or Mercury’s Treads depending on the enemy team composition.

dead man's plate thornmail lol league of legends
3. Situational Items: Adapt your build based on the game’s progression and enemy composition. Consider items like Dead Man’s Plate for additional mobility or Thornmail for anti-healing against high sustain champions.

Gameplay Strategies:

Now that you understand Skarner’s abilities and optimal build paths, let’s explore some gameplay strategies to maximize his effectiveness on the Rift:

1. Control Crystal Spires: Skarner’s kit revolves around controlling Crystal Spires to empower his abilities. Prioritize securing these objectives to gain a strategic advantage over the enemy team.

2. Coordinate with Your Team: Communication is key when playing Skarner. Coordinate with your team to execute well-timed engages and capitalize on your crowd control abilities.

3. Prioritize Objectives: Skarner excels at securing objectives like Dragon and Baron Nashor. Use your ability to control the map and secure these objectives to propel your team to victory.

4. Peel for Your Carries: As a frontline tank with crowd control abilities, Skarner excels at protecting his team’s carries. Position yourself between your carries and the enemy team to disrupt their engages and peel for your allies.

5. Capitalize on Picks: Skarner’s ultimate, Impale, is a powerful tool for picking off priority targets. Look for opportunities to catch out enemy champions and secure kills for your team.


With his reworked kit, Skarner has emerged as a formidable force on the Summoner’s Rift. By understanding his abilities, optimal build paths, and gameplay strategies, you can harness the power of the Crystal Vanguard to dominate your opponents. Whether you’re locking in Skarner for the first time or refining your skills as a seasoned main, remember to control the map, coordinate with your team, and capitalize on opportunities to secure victory for your team.

Best Wave Management LOL Guide – League of Legends

Wave Management, or Wave Control in LoL, is one of the most important things to know, regardless of whether you play Top lane, Jungle, Mid lane, ADC, or Support. It holds significance across all ranks—from Bronze to Gold to Diamond.

The lower your elo, the faster you’ll see results in your gameplay when you properly manage your waves and gain a better understanding of them.

Conversely, in higher ELOs, meticulous attention to detail and subtle improvements are necessary to set yourself apart and climb the ranks.

Let’s delve into what needs learning and the various types of wave management tactics in League of Legends!

Here are the key aspects to understand:

1) How waves function.
2) Different types of wave management tactics.
3) Their advantages and disadvantages.
4) How to effectively employ them.

Why is proper wave control crucial?

1) It provides better lane control, simplifying your gameplay.
2) You influence your opponent’s actions.
3) It forces mistakes.

Mastering this allows you to position yourself advantageously, resulting in higher success rates not just during laning but also in the mid to late game. Starting the mid-game phase with an advantage makes winning easier.

With proper wave management, consistent pressure leads opponents into making mistakes. The knowledge you’re about to gain will help you achieve this. So, let’s begin!

(To determine the appropriate wave tactic based on matchups, refer to matchup guides for your specific champion. Visit MOBAFIRE for well-written champion guides.)


Casters Minions:

Caster minions league of legends lol wave control

Cannon Minions:

cannon minions lol league of legends wave management

Melee Minions:

melee minions wave lol league of legends

Super Minions:

wave super minions lol league of legends

The 3 types of Wave Management:

1. Fast Pushing:

1.1 Fast pushing involves actively damaging the wave to push it under your opponent’s tower.

Reasons for fast pushing vary:



– You want to recall due to accumulated gold or to reach a power spike/full item.

– The enemy jungler is nearby, posing a gank threat.

– Your jungler is on the opposite side of the map, and the wave is pushing towards your –opponent.

– You aim to set up a dive on your opponent(s), which requires premeditation and planning.

– Roaming or joining a nearby fight necessitates excellent map awareness and camera control.

– Deny enemy laner minions when they’ve recalled or are missing from the lane.

– Compel your enemy laner to return by suspecting their movements, like heading towards mid-lane due to your mid-laner’s aggressive positioning, leaving them vulnerable to ganks.

1.2 The cons of fast pushing are:

– Offering little to no pressure on your opponent can grant them free Gold/XP, disadvantageous against scaling champions with weak early games, such as Nasus or Kayle.

2. Freezing

Freezing Example:

2.1 Freezing involves allowing your wave to remain slightly disadvantaged, positioned a bit further from your tower:

– When you don’t need to be elsewhere on the map

– To deny minions and pressure opponents, deterring them from engaging due to potential ganks

– Against champions with stronger early games, restricting their ability to trade frequently

– Protection from ganks or setting up ganks when your jungler is nearby

– Creating space for extended trades after your opponent’s mistake

– Enabling short, burst trades and poking opportunities

– Remember, adaptability is key as tactics vary with champions and matchups

– Expect the enemy jungler’s interference if they struggle to break your freeze, potentially pressuring your lane.

2.2 Downsides of freezing include:

– Allowing the enemy laner to roam without timely follow-up

– Duration limits: Top lane freezes last up to levels 9 to 11, mid lane up to levels 7 to 8, and bot lane up to level 6 due to the risk of multiple champions diving under the tower.

For the mid lane, freezing is possible up to levels 7 to 8 because champions possess great long-range wave clear and robust items/stats. With just one rotation of abilities, they can wipe out the entire wave.

– In the bot lane, freezing can be maintained up to level 6. Beyond this point, the risk of being dived under the tower by 3 to 4 champions, all equipped with ultimates, is something best avoided at all costs

– Remember, these guidelines are general, and adaptability is crucial. Tailoring your strategy to suit each game’s specific circumstances is paramount

3. Slow Pushing:

– Slow pushing stands as the most potent among the three wave tactics in League. What defines a slow push? It involves gradually pushing the wave towards your opponent’s side. To achieve this, you need to establish a wave advantage and only last-hit minions right before they die. This strategy offers several advantages:

Slow Pushing Example #1

Slow Pushing Example #2

3.1 Slow Pushing Pros:

– Denying minions from your opponent, as engaging in a fight within a large wave usually results in a loss for them. The same applies when you’re on the receiving end of a slow push. Engaging in fights during large waves or slow pushes is rare, and it’s typically better to avoid them

– Greater potential to outplay a 2v1 gank due to the larger wave, which may also prevent certain abilities that can be blocked, such as Graves’ AAs or Viego’s stun

– Opportunities for diving alongside your jungler, allowing ample time to set up the dive and decrease the likelihood of the target surviving. Usually, when faced with a dive or seeking to prevent it, you’d start clearing minions immediately to prompt the tower to assist as quickly as possible

3.2 After crashing the wave but unable to initiate a dive, you might consider the following:

– A clean recall into the wave slowly pushing towards you, resulting in a freeze or catching the wave right on time, losing minimal to no minions

– Roaming to other lanes, potentially assisting your jungler with rift, drake, scuttle, or even invading the enemy jungle to eliminate the enemy jungler or help secure camps safely

– Placing vision in the enemy jungle, offering vital information about the enemy jungler’s whereabouts or absence. An interesting benefit few know: if you had vision of a missing camp after it was taken down, a stopwatch icon appears on your minimap, signaling that the camp will respawn soon, hinting at the enemy jungler’s imminent return once it respawns

– Establishing river vision to spot the enemy jungler or others like the enemy mid or support moving towards your lane

– Gathering a honey fruit from the river for HP/Mana, aiding in extended stays in lane after an even or unfavourable trade. Honey fruits spawn between 6:00 to 6:20 minutes into the game

– Utilizing the plants in the enemy jungle (Vision plant/Blast cone), denying the enemy team access to these resources and ‘starving’ them out

– Approaching enemy camps (ONLY IF YOU CAN TAKE ON THE ENEMY JUNGLER AND NO OTHER LANERS ARE MISSING), which offers similar advantages as placing vision inside the enemy jungle

– Obtaining the scuttle crab, providing vision for potential roams, a movement speed boost for you and your teammates (useful for potential escapes, faster roams, or chasing enemies along the river)

– Securing the dragon, ensuring proper vision setup if unaware of the majority of the enemy team’s positions

– Claiming the rift herald, facilitating a significant tempo advantage and snowball potential while offering increased vision, especially in mid-lane, where waves will push further into the lane, potentially preventing rotations or providing crucial information about them

– Stealing enemy jungle camps, depriving the enemy jungler of resources and potentially tilting them

– Simply staying out of vision (effective in applying pressure for potential ganks or invades). This becomes notably effective in higher ELOs, where players pay more attention to the minimap and communicate through pings to warn their teammates of missing enemies

– With the item ‘Hullbreaker,’ you empower nearby cannon and super minions for five minutes after taking down an enemy inhibitor

– Minions target according to priority, such as enemy champions attacking allied champions, enemy minions attacking allied champions, and so forth

– Minions become stronger and tougher with the acquisition of the Baron buff

– The table below indicates the average gold per wave at different game times and corresponding average gold per cs


Game time | Average gold per wave | Calculations | Average gold per cs
0:00 | 125G | (3 Ă— 21 21) + (3 Ă— 14 14) + (60 60 Ă· 3) | 19.8
15:00 | 147G | (3 Ă— 21 21) + (3 Ă— 14 14) + (84 84 Ă· 2) | 22.6
17:15 | 150G | (3 Ă— 21 21) + (3 Ă— 14 14) + (90 90 Ă· 2) | 23
25:00 | 195G | (3 Ă— 21 21) + (3 Ă— 14 14) + (90 90) | 27.6

– Minions that have already targeted a tower won’t assist you during a dive. Instead, they’ll continue attacking the tower


Having excellent wave management can significantly elevate your ranked games and improve your gameplay beyond your current level. Top-tier players achieve remarkable results in various roles and champions because they grasp the intricacies of wave management.

Understanding this topic can be quite complex and necessitates thorough teaching and comprehension. Despite the abundance of educational League of Legends content available, finding something that’s both simple and detailed can be challenging. However, we’re here to change that!

Remember, everything is situational, and adaptability is crucial. With ample practice, starting from the basics and gradually advancing, you can become a master at managing waves.

Except blogs, videos over at Youtube and mentors like in our site offer help to fasten up your progress and join the rest of our satisfied students!

Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the champions you play with and against. Use this guide to delve into wave management, and you’ll witness immediate improvements in your games. (The best YouTube channel to learn about the pros and cons of each champion)

Ensure you practice all the techniques provided here in the practice tool. It’ll enable you to recreate various wave scenarios and become accustomed to them more rapidly.

If you need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below or visit my Twitch channel where I stream live. You can ask me questions there

Watch my Wave Management video here
